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  1. #1
    Community Member changelingamuck's Avatar
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    Default Palemaster Vampire Question

    So, I'm confused about something regarding the palemaster prestige enhancement Shroud of the Vampire. I'm wondering if the 1d6 constitution damage on critical hits is applied to all melee critical hits or only to critical hits done while unarmed.

    The reason I'm asking is the ddowiki entry says that "You deal 1d6 Constitution damage on critical hits, and your unarmed and melee attacks heal you for 1 point of negative energy damage."

    However, the character planner says more specifically, "When making unarmed attacks, you deal 1d6 Constitution damage from blood drain on critical hits. Your unarmed and melee attacks heal you for 1 point..."

    So, does this Con damage apply to all melee crits or just unarmed crits? Thanks in advance for any clarifications. Also, just as a sidenote, I am aware of all the huge limitations of the vampire form.

  2. #2
    Community Member djsonar919's Avatar
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    I believe the damage is only for unarmed. But I don't think the small potential to do 1d6 of con damage outweighs the risk that a Hobogoblin Cleric in an Elite Tear can one shot a level 20 PM with one searing light spell.
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  3. #3
    Mmm... purple!
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    I don't know the answer to your question, but in my opinion it doesn't really matter. The vulnerability to light damage is so great that pretty much no one uses vampire form. If someone here has a different opinion I'd be interested to hear how it works for them.

  4. #4
    Community Member ~Glimrac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleTimb View Post
    I don't know the answer to your question, but in my opinion it doesn't really matter. The vulnerability to light damage is so great that pretty much no one uses vampire form. If someone here has a different opinion I'd be interested to hear how it works for them.
    Agreed. I'll never, ever, take vampire form again.

  5. #5
    Community Member darkniteyogi's Avatar
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    I believe as others have said, it works only with unarmed. But normal melee attacks with weapons still give +1.
    Not that big of deal.

    I only used Vampire when getting annoyed at how Wraith makes you seem like you're moving slow. But overall, don't think its that good. Enchant spells at that level aren't that good either, atleast for me, i was still webbing mostly.

  6. #6
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    Lich form still gives +1 Enchantment DC, and +2 Necro DC you should use that instead.

    The 200% increased light damage in vampire form gets you killed on Undermine normal difficulty from sunbursts, and almost anywhere else with sunbursts and searing lights.

    Actually Vampire form is useful for a lot of mid level melee soloing on a wizard (grab one of those Vampiric Cleavers from LMP, go melee solo loads of stuff in GH and Meridia), but past level 18 I would only use Lich Form and wouldnt ever swing a falchion in a party.

  7. #7
    Community Member changelingamuck's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies everyone. It does sound like the 1d6 Con damage only applies to critical hits made while unarmed. I'll just have to assume that is the case unless someone can positively confirm one way or the other.

    I'm definitely aware vamp form is almost universally loathed and why. I'm just playing around with a melee vampire build I made to see what it's like for the hell of it. I really don't care if it will end up being a total waste of time.

  8. #8
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    Never trust any text in the character planner. None of it ever gets updated, some of the descriptions are years old.

  9. #9
    Community Member StelionisIgnigenae's Avatar
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    I've always toyed with the idea of doing a monk caster build, built around the vampire form and creating a synergy with the monk abilities. But the 200% light damage just makes it a pleasant what if idea, and not worth actually building such a character.

  10. #10
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StelionisIgnigenae View Post
    I've always toyed with the idea of doing a monk caster build, built around the vampire form and creating a synergy with the monk abilities. But the 200% light damage just makes it a pleasant what if idea, and not worth actually building such a character.
    I'm in the same boat and kept coming back to the idea that 18 wizard/2 monk was the way to do it. This is what I came up with. The additional caster levels will make spell DPS and self healing considerably better. The only issue is joining a pug and trying to explain that you're a strength based character.

    I'm planning to do this for a life on my DPS monk character after finishing his gear and doing 3 fighter PLs. Might be a while ...
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  11. #11
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    I capped a melee wiz using vampire form for every quest (including undermine) since level 13. No one uses vampire form for tear since you need to be at least level 12 to use it, and tear is too low level to bother with by then.

    My melee warforged wiz is 12 wiz, 6 monk, 2 fighter and he is a ton of fun. The evasion helped me to avoid the majority of light based spells, but when I was hit, I don't think I ever died to one spell. Sure, you have to be careful against opponents you know will use light spells, and keep your health high, but with the deep splashes of monk and warrior to boost hps + evasion, the bonuses to vampire form far outweigh the negatives if you use it for melee.

    I have added wraith form for the situations where I don't want to worry about light spells, but I use vamp form far more often. In shrouds I don't use undead form at all, and put on healing amp gear and still am durable enough to help the melee's pound on harry.

    I did this with a first life wiz, but it would really benefit from multiple lives and good gear (which I don't have).

    No this build is not going to out dps pure melee builds, and you won't be as durable as a casting pale master, but it is a long ways from useless. You are tough enough to tank most quests (but not raids), dps well enough to contribute, self heal, can debuff with skills and abilities to help the other melee's, and have more than enough mana to buff your whole party. And you look pretty cool doing it. Vampire form is the best in my experience for malee wiz, although I never tried lich, and 18 wiz, 2 monk would have possibilities. I prefer going 12 wiz for more monk levels and a prestige though. Ninja fade + displacement + evasion + self heal/dr/enhanced stats/crit strike debuff is pretty darn nice.

  12. #12
    Community Member changelingamuck's Avatar
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    ^Thanks for the input.

    Since you've used the vampire form so much, do you know the answer to the question in my OP about whether or not the Con damage applied to critical hits on both melee and unarmed or unarmed only?

    So far, people seem to think the Con damage only applies to crits while unarmed (and not to melee crits), but no one has been certain about it.

    Would really appreciate the info if you know.

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