As the title says, Tiara, with a large guild slot for sale.
Sale will remain open for severn (7) days, highest bidder at end wins item.
Please make all bids in Greensteel ingredients or PP, or any combination thereof.
As the title says, Tiara, with a large guild slot for sale.
Sale will remain open for severn (7) days, highest bidder at end wins item.
Please make all bids in Greensteel ingredients or PP, or any combination thereof.
Last edited by REDv61; 02-18-2012 at 07:30 AM.
I'm interested . .. though a dorf-wearing a tiera is kinda distrubing.
offering a LDS.
Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun:
"This is Dungeons and Dragons Online, not classical Greek mythology."
going once,
What do you value each ingredient?
I'll offer 3 shrap.
lds are going for about 700k on ah, and large shrapnel are going for 250k each, so the offer of 3 shrapnel sneaks into the lead.