O.K. This is mainly a rant because Im tired of it happening to me and my friends. People keep getting skunked on chest loot in the Abbot Raid, and I mean we get nothing, not even the usual +1 **** loot. You do the raid and then get nothing for your time and effort?
I mean really, has it come to the point where coders are so lazy they want to sit back and dissallow players loot in a very rough raid? Myself Ive been skunked on chest loot 3 times so far. Several others have too, and all the reply I get from in help tickets and bug reports is all the same!!!!
See below for copy and paste of the same answer 3 times in a row:
***The issue you have described is either not a currently known issue that the In-Game Support team can assist with, or cannot be resolved with the information you have provided. We recommend that you take a moment to submit a formal bug report at this url: http://forums.ddo.com/new_bug.php?. Be sure to fully review the information at the top of the bug report form to understand how bug reports are handled.***
I mean really, come on people. If we run quests in DDO, we dont expect to be skunked on our loot. But, to be repeatedly told that there is no known issue, is a crock. Especially when there are so many people complaining about it!
I want to know right now how many folks has this happened to too???
Really would you want to do this raid, in thoughts that you would get loot from it, from the only chest that drops, and get zilch from it?
This needs to be fixed. NOW!!! Grrrrrrr
On that note,
Lovies all!!!!
Da Witchies