Past life rogue and Helf Rogue Dilittante, do they stack?
And does hamstring work with ranged weapons (such as repeaters)?
that is all.
Past life rogue and Helf Rogue Dilittante, do they stack?
And does hamstring work with ranged weapons (such as repeaters)?
that is all.
past life rogue has 2 parts:
A) the rogue past life passive: +1 sneak attack on melee/ranged attack stack up to 3 times. works the same was as Tharnes' or other sneak attack items work, and stacks with them and any other sources of SAs.
B) the rogue past life active: this is the one you have to use one of your general feat slots for. it's essentially a sneak attack action boost, giving a boost to sneak attack to-hit and damage, the amount based on character level, and it lasts for one minute each, has 3 charges
both of these stack with all other sources of sneak attack (tharnes, rogue levels, helf rogue dill, ninja spy, etc.)
as to the other half of the OP:
as per the wiki:, hamstring is only used on a melee attack. i do not have any personal experience with this one, though.