I'm thinking about getting back into the game after a long layoff (more than a year), and wanted to create a healbot. One of the problems I've had in the past with this game involved hyperactive, ADD, and/or inconsiderate players who would charge ahead and either get killed, draw crowds of monsters back to the group before we were ready, or leave the slower characters behind to fend for themselves. Since I'm rolling a new toon, I'd like to make a fast one to help protect myself from some of that behavior in others.
As I understand it, Barbarians and Monks are among the fastest classes, but I'm not very interested in playing one. I liked my Wizard, but he was so slow that Monks would leave me in the dust, even when using boots to increase my speed and buffing the hell out of myself. Unfortunately, one Monk I played with did that often.
I Googled around, but didn't see any info on the speed of various Races. Are they all the same, or do some have an inherently faster movement speed? Do you have any suggestions as to how I might work to make a healbot fairly speedy? Will it be enough to make a significant difference?