I took a long break from DDO of about a year after getting frustrated over not seeing one single seal of the ring of elemental essence from epic small problem.
I started playing again couple of weeks ago and felt like rolling a new artificer. At level 16 upwards I started trying to farm some rare rune arms and got the following results:
- Tira's speldor on my fifth subteranean run (won a roll)
- Animus from my first Devils Assault completion on elite (dropped for my character)
- Lucid Dreams and Quarforged Docents from my first mindsunder completion (won the roll on the lucid dreams, and no one else wanted the docent).
After leveling my arti to 20 and TRing, I decided to get back into playing epics on my level 20 wizard. I got right into starting off with epic small problem again, and grabbed the following which both dropped for me:
- First run - Seal of the Ring of Elemental Essence (Wooot!)
- Second run - Seal of Grim's Bracelet
And I ended up with these