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  1. #1
    Community Member Grieve's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Compiling a list of DDO Abbreviations, Acronyms, etc...

    Hello Everyone,

    I realize this is not a guide, but I was hoping I could get a some help in compiling a complete list of all, or as close to that as possible, of every term used in DDO.

    What I am looking for...
    -Monster Nicknames
    -Non-dictionary terms
    -Any DDO coined terms for special Boss attacks

    What I'm NOT looking for...
    -Common slang terms used outside the game
    -Anything related to generic D&D lore

    I have yet to start compiling my own list yet since I have been busy writing up other things, but any assistance here would speed up the process.

    Thank you!
    Characters: Cardan | Rifte | Feylicia | Warmin | Reimi | Catrini | Deadpugs | Crankthis
    "A" of Team BAS, High scorers at PAX East 2011 | High Score at PAX East 2012
    Raiding for Dummies

  2. #2
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Fire/Inferno - Velah breathing flames
    Harry - The pit fiend from Shroud
    Sulu - The horned devil from VoD and ToD
    VoD - Vision of Despair Raid
    ToD - Tower of Despair Raid OR Touch of Death monk special attack
    Lit 2 - Double Shard Lightning Two Shroud Item, usually refers to a weapon, but can be used for accessories also...there are many more abreviations of this sort for shroud items
    Boss Beater - Generally a weapon that bypasses DR or does near top damage versus bosses in DDO that players tend to care about, in other words raid bosses
    Fort - As in the fortification stat which protects from critical hits and sneak attack damage.
    Clonk - A cleric monk build where the cleric levels generally are 17 or 18
    AA - Arcane Archer Prestige Class, generally a build reference to note that a build specializes in doing damage with a longbow or shortbow, as in I have an AA build which melee between manyshots
    SD - Stalwart Defender Prestige Class, generally a build noted as being an SD is a tank build
    Fleric - Figher Cleric build
    Exploiter - A build description for an 18 Ranger/1 Rogue/1 Monk build. There are numerous varations of this theme which had it's hayday before the level cap raise to 20.
    Batman - A build description for a heavy/med armor wearing, UMD capable, evasion, melee build which is no longer possible due to rule changes involving evasion
    TWF - Two weapon fighting as in attack with a weapon in each hand
    THF - Two handed fighting as in attack with a single weapon held in both hands
    CE - Combat Expertise feat
    HoX - The Hound Raid
    Shroud - Another Raid
    eVon(1-6) - Epic Vault of Night Part (1-6) number denotes the part being done
    Von1-6 - Vault of Night Part (1-6) number denotes the part being done
    eDQ - Epic Demon Queen Raid
    DQ - Demon Queen Raid
    atdq - Against the Demon Queen (preraid for DQ raid)
    eATDQ - epic Against the Demon Queen
    Axer Package - all the buffs available
    TR - True Reincarnate OR the Tangleroot quest chain
    LR - Lesser Reincarnate
    GR - Greater Reincarnate
    BYOH - Bring your own healing
    LoH - Lay on Hands Paladin Ability
    TS - True Seeing
    GH - Greater Heroism spell OR Giant Hold Adventure Pack
    PK - Phantasmal Killer Spell
    FoD - Finger of Death Spell
    Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
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  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Krelar's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    You might try this sticked post form the new player advice and guidelines forum

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    (Ninja'd )
    General mischief maker and trap spring... I mean... disarmer. No really! I swear I had no idea that trap was there!

  5. #5
    Community Member Grieve's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Thank you for that info
    Characters: Cardan | Rifte | Feylicia | Warmin | Reimi | Catrini | Deadpugs | Crankthis
    "A" of Team BAS, High scorers at PAX East 2011 | High Score at PAX East 2012
    Raiding for Dummies

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