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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Exclamation Looking for an Active RP guild.

    I have lots of experience, although I have been out of the RP world for a few years now, I am very excited to get back into it. It is a great passion and a lot of fun. Any information, or help in the right the direction would be appreciated.

    I am currently playing on Orien, but I am open to moving servers to find the guild with the right fit. I am very new to DDO, my first character just reached 3rd level, but I am a very active Table-Top DnD gamer and I understand the rules very well.

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    ~ Greetings! ~

    I am the leader of the small and close knit roleplaying guild Tales of the Torchbearers. I would say our roleplay style is something between medium and heavy, and we are very all around when it comes to how we roleplay. We have static groups, we have table-top events(I think we are the only roleplaying guild that has that, actually), roleplaying in quests and roleplaying in taverns. You join in on whatever you prefer. We also have weekly events so you can be casual and know when to log on to not miss out on all the fun;

    Tuesdays: we hold table-top campaigns.
    Thursdays: we hold table-top campaigns.
    Saturdays: we hold Torchbearer Expiditions, which is a roleplay questing event.
    Sundays: we host Sarlona Sul, where we have open roleplaying in the Bogwater.(Sometimes, we have table-top at Sundays as well.)

    In Character, we are the Torchbearers, a group of investigators, adventurers and explorers who have joined together to solve the greatest mysteries of Eberron. We hold the torch that gives light to the darkness that cloud the secrets of this world.

    Out of Character, we are just a bunch of like minded players who enjoy roleplaying. We also focus on being good at the game itself; trust me, running endgame quests are a lot more rewarding in character for the purpose of roleplay.

    Send me a private message if you want more information and find this interesting. ~

  3. #3
    Community Member ValdaricHollow's Avatar
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    Jun 2011

    Wink Hi Wollow

    I am too new to ddo but the guild i have joined in Orien called The Tink Tank are good group of guys and there normally always someone on cause the from all round the world it's not for me to say you can join just if your interested talk to Gentrix

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by lilleengen2 View Post
    ~ Greetings! ~
    s out on all the fun;[/color]

    [indent]Tuesdays: we hold table-top campaigns.
    Thursdays: we hold table-top campaigns.
    Can I ask what you mean by that? Do you mean you are literally playing pen and paper? Is this in game (using it as a chat server)?

  5. #5
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Oh, we merged with Roleplayers of Sarlona a week ago.. So the information is now irrelevant to anything.
    But ohwell; Yes, we did over the chat. There is a /roll command that allows you to hold P&P campaigns. Not sure if we will keep the P&P now that we have joined RoS.
    Last edited by lilleengen2; 05-17-2012 at 08:47 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by lilleengen2 View Post
    Oh, we merged with Roleplayers of Sarlona a week ago.. So the information is now irrelevant to anything.
    But ohwell; Yes, we did over the chat. There is a /roll command that allows you to hold P&P campaigns. Not sure if we will keep the P&P now that we have joined RoS.
    Well thanks for the response. Had a look at RPS, but what their rep was saying on the boards and what their rules said didnt seem to match. I asked for a clarification...

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Dec 2011


    The Black Brigade is a fun RP guild. We tend to talk in character on quests & in guild chat. We're soliders for hire. Contact Greyth on Salona if you are interested.

  8. #8
    Community Member guitarjohn707's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default Recruitment

    Dear Prospect,
    We are recruiting roleplayers. WE WILL NOT TOLERATE BERSERKERS or "ZERGS!" We are a medieval/military/Templar based roleplaying guild that has melded my ADnD 2nd addition "tabletop" campaign of over 20 years w/DDO's campaign.
    I am a DM from ADnD 2nd addition and have been for over 20 years. Our guild is level 31 and has an airship w/all amenities, we are active, however we are recruiting more and more to increase the amount of active members so that at any time (24/7) anyone from our guild should be able to log on and find enough guild members to quest with (so as not to have to find strangers for that.)
    If you are interested (and like minded enough) to roleplay 13th century Templar style, then contact me "Ghonja" on Thelanis server through the floating mailboxes and/or here/or at:
    Ghonja Flowingwater of Earth
    ~King of Eberron~
    ~Grand Master of The Knights of The Covenant~

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