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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default A Tribe Called Zerg

    NOTE: Big surprise, Turbine decided to not follow what they said they would be doing and decided to "re-link" this forum account to me, I lost access to the "Gordy" account, and am now having to re-bump my prior posts. Yay.

    A Tribe Called Zerg (referred to as “Zerg” and “ATCZ” in this post) is a guild for everything from endgame raiding to zerging TR’s. We are a relatively small guild consisting of rather ‘close’ members.

    Note: We have stopped using Ventrilo and are now using Mumble. If you need to get the new info please contact us. And, no, I am not going to go through these two posts and change every instance of Ventrilo to Mumble.

    Recruitment Status: Currently looking to expand our active roster – if you are interested it is highly recommended that you read everything here.

    About Us:

    Please note that this is my attempt (with help from guildies) to explain what it is that we do; in reality this is not something that can be entirely explained, but rather must be experienced firsthand.

    General Mentality:

    We are ‘goal oriented’ individuals who attempt to find and maintain a high, if not the highest, level of efficiency while playing. We do have ‘lives’ and understand that real life comes first. Some of us with more limited play time have more incentive to zerg.
    We view most content as trivial and easy, not because we are ‘that awesome’, but because it really is easy. Having the perfect party and a full group are not mandatory; the game is easier than many of its genre.
    We do not believe in the ‘perfect party’; sitting around for a bard for von6 is no fun and finding ‘tanks’ isn’t either – our response is to adapt: remove the bard from the equation and/or make characters that fill multiple roles (in this example: with tanking as a primary or secondary focus).
    We have a strong dislike of drama
    and do not have real loot rules.

    style: This is something that is apparently not well understood by the majority of the server. We feel that by drawing attention to this point, in particular, we could significantly increase the number of “Pugs” that enter our groups.
    Our play-style incorporates ‘multi-role’ functions and self sufficiency with speed.Self sufficiency is stressed in all situations; just because there are eight Favored Souls in the party does not mean that you will get healed. Emphasis is put on speed when leveling as well as when running raids (though, admittedly, less so in raids).

    The majority of us play casters (FvS/Cleric/Sorc/Wiz/Arti) and as such are required to watch our SP expenditure as well as our SP regeneration. As such, we try to incorporate ‘passive torcing’ into everything we do; we will usually have those classes tank trash and bosses. We like trash mobs that use melee and ranged attacks. We do not like to kill these mobs. A player does more damage to our group than any monster in the game when they come into our group and begin to: kill non-caster mobs, cast CC, or blur/displace others.
    We do not enjoy, or even want to, micromanaging people; we would prefer to let them play how they want – so long as their playstyle does not have a negative impact on ours. We would like it if more people understood the flow of gameplay in the manner that we conduct it. Frequently, we let random people in our groups, give no instructions, and just do that quest leaving everyone welcome to do what they want. Some people prefer this and find it liberating; they get to have their first experiences with raids be one of action and intrigue instead of one of following orders. Other people think we have enormous attitude problems and that we don't care about their feelings because we don't hold their hands.

    Some examples of our play style:
    – Kill caster mobs first – do not ever cast blur or displacement on us. (Cloud spells are included in this).
    eVon6 - People solo islands, do not attempt to "help" them and attack the djinn. This makes it impossible to accurately prep a djinn. Wait, at the start, until they are done.
    – Part 1, Do not attack/kill dogs – Part 3, Do not attack/kill orthons
    – Do not kill assassins, do not attack the assassins in any way.
    Master Artificer
    – Avoid killing cannons unless told to do so. Do not ‘agro and kite’ the green titan.
    – Do not hold, dance, kill, or otherwise incapacitate the trash mobs in the boss fights.
    Specific to melees
    – try and become more self sufficient (heal scrolls and silver flame pots, healing amp). DDO is not “DPS DPS DPS”, DPS does not matter when you are dead and being self sufficient reduces the likelihood that you will be dead. Get –threat% gear.
    Specific to Paladins and Rangers
    –Getting a Torc and conc-opp as well as maximize/emp. heal/quicken is highly recommended (silver flame pots and heal scrolls are still recommended as well)

    To recap
    : “Untrained” players negatively affect the group, killing non-caster monsters often negatively affects the group. Melee/ranged monsters and self healing are good and positively affect the group. Crowd control, unwanted blur/displace, and ‘crying’ are bad and have a large negative effect on the group. Drama is extremely bad (read: will not be tolerated).

    Also note that multi-boxing is a fairly common occurrence in our groups; we are quite often “shortman” when we run raids. We do this due to the randomness inherent to pugging and because we do not always feel like investing effort into the repeated explanation of our play style.


    We really don’t have a schedule; we run whatever we (guild) want to run at a specific moment in time. Time zones for members range from GMT-8 to GMT+8.
    We run the majority of the raids on a semi-regular basis (i.e: multiple runs per timer interval); this is a great place to begin joining our groups.
    Last edited by Darknark; 05-15-2013 at 10:53 PM.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
    Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
    Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    ATCZ is currently looking to expand its active roster as well as increase the number of non-guild players who regularly run with us.

    ATCZ does not actually have “open” recruiting; you can’t just go out and meet requirements and get an auto-invite. We recruit people who run with us regularly that we feel we ‘know’. Due to this, the ‘application process’ includes making an impression on us as well as getting to know the members (and them getting to know you).

    In other words:
    1) The first part of the application process is to begin regularly grouping with us.
    2) The biggest requirement for joining is having a personality that is favored by the existing guild members – you are the newcomer to an existing “team”.
    3) After you have made an impression on the guild, your application will be considered and feedback [on you] will be gathered – this is essentially a voting procedure that encompasses more than simple “yes/no” answers.

    Baseline Requirements:
    As we are mainly looking for [at least semi-] experienced players; base requirements are as follows: have (or have had) a capped character (ie: you are not ‘fresh off the boat’), be open minded and willing to listen/learn, and have access to a fair amount of Adventure packs (namely the commonly run raids and preferably the higher xp packs).

    We primarily converse with spoken or typed English, it is recommended that you understand / are able to speak it.
    We run the majority of raids in the game on a semi-regular basis (multiple times per “timer interval”) and, as such, it is highly recommended to have access to the majority, if not all, of the Adventure Packs.
    Additionally, multiple characters are recommended due to the frequency that we run raids.
    We recommend that potential applicants ask various members of the Zerg Tribe how the guild has helped them achieve their goals, especially in regards to equipment/loot."
    Have a sense of humor. (specifically the last lines)

    Making an Impression:
    To make an impression on the guild, you will have to spend time in the Ventrilo channel as well as actively grouping with us for us to determine if our personalities and play styles are compatible – exceptions to this exist, but they are the minority. Ventrilo information can be given by any ATCZ member at their own discretion. The amount of time to go from “hanging out with us” to “actively being recruited” varies widely and is dependent on how actively you go about it (ie: if you tend to be quiet and don’t group with us often it will take a while to get a majority who ‘know’ you and are comfortable with you around).

    I cannot stress this point enough: Be yourself, do not be who you think we “want”. That will just lead to conflict and eventually drama.

    This part [getting to know the guild] also benefits applicants. Would you, as an applicant, actually like to join a guild before knowing if you can successfully coexist with members?

    Please send relevant data to Agordmils (Darknark on the forums) (Relevant data would include: all character names, character types, general play style, self assessment of experience in leveling and in ‘endgame’ raiding/questing, names of any ATCZ members that you (currently or formerly [if any] ) run/ran with regularly…etc)
    If you have not run with us and would like to be considered for regular grouping (and/or eventually a recruitment process):
    If you, currently, run with us regularly and would like to be considered for recruiting:
    If you would like to remain in your current guild but also would like to group with us on a more frequent basis (and/or receive ventrilo information):
    Please contact Agordmils (Darknark on the forums, other characters used are: Agordmil and BYOH)

    I'm more or less back to semi-regular play and can thus continue getting applications.
    Last edited by Darknark; 12-15-2012 at 07:36 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member ElbionTcob's Avatar
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    One major part that I had to learn the HARD way was you must heal yourself no matter what you are. The only times my rogue gets heals are if A: Lotus feels like casting a mass heal because he dosent want melee's to die as to not heal Horoth, B: I heal scroll myself, C: If Astriane is there and has his cleric aura up, or D: We brought a pug healer into a raid (Not very often).

    On the topic of Zerging. Zerging (v) -to run as fast as you can to the boss and kill them while healing your own butt, not taking aggro from the tank, and doing whatever your job is well.

    All you people who love your melee's don't worry. We will still accept you but realize that we run raids "Caster Friendly". As mentioned by Gordy (Agordmils) above, we NEVER kill melee or ranged trash unless specificly told to. We focus on running raids with no SP pots consumed. Even eLOB.

    And the most important part (I dont believe was mentioned) was, HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR!!! We tell jokes quite often at each others personal downfall and you have to be able to shrug it off, otherwise your not going to last very long with us. (This inculdes jokes of potentially explicit content, so bieng mature and realizing its a joke helps)
    Cannith- A Tribe Called Zerg
    Elbion Tosscobble: TR'ing Atm
    Ivena: 20 Rouge TR1 Dps/Epic Trapper/Epic Assassination
    And a multitude of changing alts

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by ElbionTcob View Post
    And the most important part (I dont believe was mentioned) was, HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR!!! We tell jokes quite often at each others personal downfall and you have to be able to shrug it off, otherwise your not going to last very long with us. (This inculdes jokes of potentially explicit content, so being mature and realizing its a joke helps)
    This is why the part about hanging out in Ventrilo and getting to know each other is really important before joining ATCZ. It's a two-way street. We don't want drama or a revolving-door membership. You should know what you're getting into, feel comfortable hanging out with your guildies, and recognize if you're going to have a conflict with play style, attitude, personalities or priorities *before* you join a guild. Hanging out in Vent gives you a chance to evaluate if you can stand me squealing about kitties, He Who Shall Not Be Named's Tasty Ham fetish, or if your ego's going to get bruised if you're left to die while a FvS tanks everything. You might not be our cup of tea, and we might get on your nerves. Better that we all recognize it's not meant to be in advance, before anyone has to dispatch the Wahmbulance.

    It's March 6th. Nobody panic, but I don't think Agordmils is back yet.


    BonnieBew on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube and all servers

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finch_Bloomwhiffler View Post
    It's March 6th. Nobody panic, but I don't think Agordmils is back yet.
    I'm back.

    I had some stuff to do before I could get on (and I forgot to update the post).
    Last edited by Darknark; 03-06-2012 at 04:57 PM.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
    Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
    Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu

  6. #6
    Community Member ElbionTcob's Avatar
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    Default Yay!

    Quote Originally Posted by Darknark View Post
    I'm back.
    Can life resume again now?
    Cannith- A Tribe Called Zerg
    Elbion Tosscobble: TR'ing Atm
    Ivena: 20 Rouge TR1 Dps/Epic Trapper/Epic Assassination
    And a multitude of changing alts

  7. #7
    Community Member Miahoo's Avatar
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    Last edited by MiahooJunk; 12-02-2013 at 12:51 AM.
    Server: Cannith
    Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke

  8. #8
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    If you join our guild I will heal you.

    In the face.

  9. #9
    Community Member huntunderhill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    If you join our guild I will heal you.

    In the face.
    No Heals for Zerg! I don't give Zerg buffs, heals, or even acknowledge that they are in my party :P
    Last edited by huntunderhill; 05-06-2015 at 04:33 AM.
    I miss My DDO... ):


    ^* Hallowood the Hermit *^
    The Silver Circle: First Officer

  10. #10
    Community Member Bloodskittle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huntunderhill View Post
    No Heals for Zerg! I don't give Zerg buffs, heals, or even acknowledge that they are in my party.
    If you read the thread properly you would know to direct your lovely compliments/or complaints to Heavyarms.
    Viamel ~ Lava Divers

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodskittle View Post
    If you read the thread properly you would know to direct your lovely compliments/or complaints to Muchsarge.
    San Quentin said we shouldn't send them so much mail; let Sarge take it instead.
    Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
    Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
    Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Darknark View Post
    San Quentin said we shouldn't send them so much mail; let Sarge take it instead.
    I know Sarge enjoys taking it, but I thought we agreed Darcat was the official hookup for guild-related inquiries and sharing. Now you have go to the basement and report this faux pas to him, Gordy!

    BonnieBew on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube and all servers

  13. #13
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    As a member of a small cannith guild I greatly appreciate every Zerg Tribe LFM. I think that in general I am a beneficial party member and hope that I can continue to contribute to your sucesses. My 2 main characters are torcing/concopping casters.

    ATCZ is one of a very few guilds on the server who will take a chance on a no name player from a no name guild. My first torc was received from a ATCZ group in epic DQ, my first abbot completion (and probably 40% of all my abbots), and many others special memories I've had in the game.
    Cannith - Noehealz, Protectorjon, Noebuffs, Mortion

  14. #14
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    It is all becoming clear now. All this time and finally I know why I die all the time.

  15. #15
    Community Member vermentto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiipeJii View Post
    It is all becoming clear now. All this time and finally I know why I die all the time.
    You die because you rely too much on other people .
    Healers carry pots but you don't ,you take risks and expect other to SP sponge them.
    I am one of the healers of Tribe :
    one of the few ones , in healer role i mean , since class icon means nothing ,
    so i know who die ,when ,and why.

    Let me explain to melee players where they fail :
    + My barb carry 200 CSW pots at all times .
    Doesnt keep her alive alone in big fights ,but allows regen between them.
    + I dont frenzy when i dont need.
    + I use safe spots.
    + I hide behind tanks when taking damage.
    + I use cleric auras when available and stick near them.if they move ,i move with them.Not the opposite.
    If i hide behind a corner/pillar i make sure my healer sees me.If not and i die :My fault.
    + I pull shield when i have aggro from something i should not have ,
    or i run to the guy that will be able to get aggro back ,then wait , blocking.
    + I sometimes stop attacking to limit my threat .
    + I sometimes use a TH rather than my usual dual khops to limit frenzy damage or for better cleaves
    + I watch the Dots stacks of the dot tank ,and stop attack if it fades.
    + If i see a sea of BBs/AoEs , i stop melee ,swap to intimi and kite the mobs in them.
    + I stay near other melee if possible to allow mass healing instead of "spot heal" sp waste
    + I carry sp pots to give to healers ,just in case.
    Just a few examples....

    I mean its game basics and 99% of melee players are too dumb/lazy to do that at cap or after X TRs.
    I am not talking about doing all this flawlessly ( i dont ) ,even if its the goal.
    I am talking about TRYING.Most dont even try.

    I still need heals , lots of them , but only when its important :
    My teamates dont mind (too much XD ) healing me while i take out arties in LoB ,
    or when i dps a boss that spamms AOE like harry.
    Why ? Coz it cant be prevented :
    I have to run through that BB to kill that arty ,and i have to kill that arty.
    But i wont go "dps ape" mode : before anything ,the arty will eat a fat trip and a stunning blow in the face.
    And if its not enough ,i may swap to a CC weap ,like earthgrab.
    (Btw your melee has no tactical ? no stun ? no assassinate ? nothing to CC ,not even a magic weapon ?
    just dps ? epic fail : reroll )
    On the opposite ,they dont want to babysit me for troubles i invited.

    Also ,we dont raise people for the sake of raising them :
    if you re out of sp ,or die endlessly , or mess aggro , etc
    then you re useless , and maybe a danger for the raid success ,so better dead than alive.
    And yes ,this way ,some guys stay dead the whole raid XD

    TO RECAP :
    Play smart .
    Be responsible .
    Do your best .
    Try to do even better than that best
    Have fun.
    Be nice but dont let other stomp ur feet : respect goes both ways.
    dps alone is nothing.
    Dont expect others to do what you should do
    No drama.
    Speak the truth .

    This way you will be a valuable team member .A real dinosaur from "tribe".

    Go dinos ! Go !! RAAAWR !!!
    Last edited by vermentto; 02-20-2012 at 10:10 AM.
    astriane >clc18/mk2 - altena >barb18/ftr2 - Armcore >arty 20 - Assiriane >FvS 20 - Metaloid >wiz17 -
    base of operations : cannith - "shinies ! more shinies ! " -
    A Tribe Called Zerg - RAAAAWR

  16. #16
    Community Member Dwarfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vermentto View Post
    I had a couple melees that were completely unself sufficient horribly built chars from when i first started playing, and im in the process or making all my chars completely self sufficient, and i love it. Being the last one up on a rogue/fighter/barb and beating the raid quest is a great feeling, but you cant do it if you play like an idiot.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by vermentto View Post
    Go dinos ! Go !! RAAAWR !!!
    Lol, too bad I am already in ATCZ so I can just pike!

  18. #18
    Community Member Ncreel's Avatar
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    Default What all should read

    Covers most, brilliant

    Let me explain to melee players where they fail :
    + My barb carry 200 CSW pots at all times .
    Doesnt keep her alive alone in big fights ,but allows regen between them.
    + I dont frenzy when i dont need.
    + I use safe spots.
    + I hide behind tanks when taking damage.
    + I use cleric auras when available and stick near them.if they move ,i move with them.Not the opposite.
    If i hide behind a corner/pillar i make sure my healer sees me.If not and i die :My fault.
    + I pull shield when i have aggro from something i should not have ,
    or i run to the guy that will be able to get aggro back ,then wait , blocking.
    + I sometimes stop attacking to limit my threat .
    + I sometimes use a TH rather than my usual dual khops to limit frenzy damage or for better cleaves
    + I watch the Dots stacks of the dot tank ,and stop attack if it fades.
    + If i see a sea of BBs/AoEs , i stop melee ,swap to intimi and kite the mobs in them.
    + I stay near other melee if possible to allow mass healing instead of "spot heal" sp waste
    + I carry sp pots to give to healers ,just in case.
    Just a few examples....

    I mean its game basics and 99% of melee players are too dumb/lazy to do that at cap or after X TRs.
    I am not talking about doing all this flawlessly ( i dont ) ,even if its the goal.
    I am talking about TRYING.Most dont even try.

    I still need heals , lots of them , but only when its important :
    My teamates dont mind (too much XD ) healing me while i take out arties in LoB ,
    or when i dps a boss that spamms AOE like harry.
    Why ? Coz it cant be prevented :
    I have to run through that BB to kill that arty ,and i have to kill that arty.
    But i wont go "dps ape" mode : before anything ,the arty will eat a fat trip and a stunning blow in the face.
    And if its not enough ,i may swap to a CC weap ,like earthgrab.
    (Btw your melee has no tactical ? no stun ? no assassinate ? nothing to CC ,not even a magic weapon ?
    just dps ? epic fail : reroll )
    On the opposite ,they dont want to babysit me for troubles i invited.

    Also ,we dont raise people for the sake of raising them :
    if you re out of sp ,or die endlessly , or mess aggro , etc
    then you re useless , and maybe a danger for the raid success ,so better dead than alive.
    And yes ,this way ,some guys stay dead the whole raid XD

    TO RECAP :
    Play smart .
    Be responsible .
    Do your best .
    Try to do even better than that best
    Have fun.
    Be nice but dont let other stomp ur feet : respect goes both ways.
    dps alone is nothing.
    Dont expect others to do what you should do
    No drama.
    Speak the truth .
    MEDIC fall back, if i die i die, if you die the unit die's

  19. #19
    Community Member freekay's Avatar
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    Zerg are a bunch of big fat meanie poo poo heads.

    Yeh, I said it <_< *comeatmebro*

    Soaked/Soaking/Zecks/Zeckshealer - Cannith
    Soaked's build

  20. #20
    Community Member xxScoobyDooxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freekay View Post
    Zerg are a bunch of big fat meanie poo poo heads.

    Yeh, I said it <_< *comeatmebro*
    Ignore Zecks - he's a noob that doesn't even have any capped toons.
    Flashious, Slashious, Bashious, Delushous, SifuTam Toustious, Sneakious
    Officer - Templar - Cannith

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