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I agree with Rodomonte in that it's a waste to melee on a *pure* arcane. Splashes on the other hand... I've played several variants of battle arcanes in the past (all warforged of course):
- 17 wiz/2 rog/1 fighter Phidius variant archmage
- 18 wiz/2 rog pale master
- 18 wiz/2 monk
- 16 sorc/2 paladin/2 monk tukaw variant
My personal favorite is the 17/2/1 but this was before lich form was moved to wizard level 18; I've since TR'd him to an 18/2 rogue. I use, situationally, a min2 greataxe (crafted back when holds = autocrit because I was too cheap to make 2x heavy picks - and I'm glad I was), an epic Antique Greataxe, or cannith crafted greater bane falchions/mauls (still working on getting that dang sword from VoN). They're all a blast to play, I (like you) can't fathom playing pures much. BUT! Let's be honest, you won't be as effective as a pure melee or pure caster in those respective roles: the 18/2 is just 1 DC behind a pure assuming similar gear and spell foci, but is 2 behind in spell penetration. And best case scenario, you're doing 50%-70% the DPS of a true melee DPS class. You more than make up for these in having OPTIONS: evasion, melee option, self healing, trapskills (sometimes), usually better survivability, offensive casting, debuffs, buffs, UMD... there's a lot of versatility there. While not really rewarded by DDO because it's such a min-max environment, I've found that being somewhat of a generalist fits my playstyle best.
Best thing I can tell you, farm 2 sets of gear for melee mode and caster mode, and know when to switch. Key gear would be a Docent of Defiance, a Torc of Prince Raiiyum-de, and a concordant opposition greensteel accessory, and get your crafting levels up for those holy burst of greater banes.