Whats sad is you say that without also explaing how **** poor that is from a content design perspective. No sane developer makes content with the idea oh first time it will be brutal but once they lnow it then its cake. Yet that describes DDO with disturbing accuracy. Unless your a child with no responsability outside of a few chores and schoolwork, or a troll in thier mothers basement then normally you dont sit down at the computer with more then an hour here or there to have some fun. No content in this game should ever be so time consuming that HOURS are the operative word when discussing potential time investment.
This ofcourse is what the crowed who condemns others with cries of oh you dont want challenge, you want easy loot etc dont grasp. Its never about anything else then time. My time must always equal what I want to do when its MY TIME. If I log into a lvl XX character I want to be able to go play any content in that lvl range solo or in group as my whim dictates, and recieve full experiance,loot, and a sense of progression for my time investment. Overly randomized loot, time intensive poorly designed and concieved challenge with high risk of instant failure, or worse beyond all measure a long time investment with a risk of complete failure and no gain is not a game, its a time sink. Games are about fun. Time Sinks are about wasiting your life.
So DDO stop being a time sink already and remember your roots. Pretty much any content that can be played through first time with no knowledge of the quest in under an hour is good challenge. Anything past that is a FAIL that needs to be reworked.
I just pray my latest investment to show support to turbine for the upcoming expansion doesnt proove to be a waste if the content is completely useless to me. epic 21-25 should be completely solable for a fresh lvl 20 with common chests loot on its max difficulty. anyone over geared should learn that overkill just means less challenge.