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  1. #21
    Community Member Tsuarok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordMond63 View Post
    I'm a bit late to the party with my advice, it seems, but I'll offer it in the hopes that someone else might benefit from my experience.

    I rolled a Clonk and, like the OP, it was a blast to play until, oh, around level 9 or so. At that point, he was MNK/CLR 2/7 and what I found him to be was a barely adequate healer and a terrible meleer. His BAB is just too low to deal any sort of consistent damage, even with decent wraps. As for healing, while others already had Raose Dead, I think I had just gotten Cure Critical. My goal was to create what I called a "combat medic": able to dish out some decent dps while also being able to heal, via Radiant Servant 2 (eventually) while staying in melee range. Now it might still work- he's 2/10 MNK/CLR now and will have RS2 at level 14 and then will go MNK for the remaining 6 levels to end up as 8/12 MNK/CLR- but, as most groups need good healing more than good dps in this level range (or so I've found), he's unable to keep up consistently with the healing demands as a primary healer.

    I think now that, had I to do it over again, I would have gone straight Cleric until level 12 and then switched to Monk so I had my healing capability at max (for a level 12 at least).
    2 or 3 levels of monk are usually more than sufficient for this type of build, imho. But 12 levels of cleric are insufficient for main healing roles. 17 to 18 is usually enough though. Not sure how much of this will be applicable to battle-arcanes though.

  2. #22
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    Oh I agree.....any group that thinks a MNK/CLR 8/12 is going to be able to be the primary healer in anything beyond really easy mid- and end-game content isn't a group that I'd want to join because the results would almost certainly be disappointing.

    The role I'm aiming to play is to be able to provide some close-range healing through an amp'ed up Radiant Aura, healing Ki strikes and such along with the ability to step back and drop single-target Heals/Mass Cures when necessary. Maybe I could make a halfway decent secondary or tertiary healer. But main? No way.

  3. #23
    Community Member djsonar919's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordMond63 View Post
    Oh I agree.....any group that thinks a MNK/CLR 8/12 is going to be able to be the primary healer in anything beyond really easy mid- and end-game content isn't a group that I'd want to join because the results would almost certainly be disappointing.

    The role I'm aiming to play is to be able to provide some close-range healing through an amp'ed up Radiant Aura, healing Ki strikes and such along with the ability to step back and drop single-target Heals/Mass Cures when necessary. Maybe I could make a halfway decent secondary or tertiary healer. But main? No way.
    Why would anyone want to make a build and not even be sure if it can properly be the tertiary option? I know when I'm at the character creation screen the first thing that pops into my head is, "I definitely don't want to be the first option picked for a party. I certainly don't want to be the number two option, still too much pressure. I think I can be a half-assed third option. Ahhh! I got it, I can make my toon least useful as possible."
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  4. #24
    Community Member EpiKagEMO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkstar1996 View Post
    Well im done so far with the Kung Fu Buffer, ima Tukaw now
    I agree with what Malky said. DO NOT do this without 2-3 characters hitting 20, it seems you clearly do not have the experience but when you do, go for it. Tukaw depends on gear, and the last time i built one, Everyone had ELITE posts up, no normal or hard posts and all he could really do was haste without the clickies.

    Miss >
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