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I'm a bit late to the party with my advice, it seems, but I'll offer it in the hopes that someone else might benefit from my experience.
I rolled a Clonk and, like the OP, it was a blast to play until, oh, around level 9 or so. At that point, he was MNK/CLR 2/7 and what I found him to be was a barely adequate healer and a terrible meleer. His BAB is just too low to deal any sort of consistent damage, even with decent wraps. As for healing, while others already had Raose Dead, I think I had just gotten Cure Critical. My goal was to create what I called a "combat medic": able to dish out some decent dps while also being able to heal, via Radiant Servant 2 (eventually) while staying in melee range. Now it might still work- he's 2/10 MNK/CLR now and will have RS2 at level 14 and then will go MNK for the remaining 6 levels to end up as 8/12 MNK/CLR- but, as most groups need good healing more than good dps in this level range (or so I've found), he's unable to keep up consistently with the healing demands as a primary healer.
I think now that, had I to do it over again, I would have gone straight Cleric until level 12 and then switched to Monk so I had my healing capability at max (for a level 12 at least).