Has anyone figured out the proc rate for the Lich form chance at 30 temporary hit points? I've been searching but can't find the information anywhere.
Has anyone figured out the proc rate for the Lich form chance at 30 temporary hit points? I've been searching but can't find the information anywhere.
I am not sure if lifeshield works with lich or not as I do not have my palemaster to 18 yet, but it does work while in Wraith form as I have a crafted lifeshield shield and armor that I equip and I get the temp points all the time. I will try to catch a screen shot next that it happens.
**edited out - double post, sorry **
Last edited by bilbojr; 02-13-2012 at 11:47 AM.
It certainly stacks with Concordant Opp. I don't wear Lifeshield to test whether or not it stacks.
Proc rate? No idea. I just find a Combination of Static DR/Concordant Opp/Lich Temp HP/Boon to Undeath tend to keep me alive a long time, as long as that aura's running.
Will have to re-test that, I remember it NEVER going off and it did not in Lich unless I was really unlucky in the hours upon hours I tried it.
Not a deal breaker as 'LIFE'shield probably should not work in UN'life' form. Would be sweet if it did after an update but I'm not holding my breath.
^ this ^ is a silly over-guesstimate and just plain bad info IMO. Why would you make a statement like that.. then follow it with 'not tested'... w.t.f.
You are saying that it goes off every 5-10 hits?!?? That would be way OP!
In the countless hours of solo PM play, my best estimate would be 1-3% with a MAX of 5%. Go test it in CoF or Weapons Shipment with all the archers and see, that is where I get my estimate from. There are other low level quests that are good for it to test..forgetting the names atm :/
I just tested and the co-op proc and when I took it off after about 5 minutes of letting kobolds beat on me could not get the lifeshield to go, even though they did proc the conc-op quite a few times in the same 5 minutes. So guess it was just the conc-op that was proc'ing just never paid attention to what was giving me the temp hp.
I just tested and I was not aware it was the conc-op going off because I would constantly see blue going off above my head and then 30 hp in my life bar. So I assumed that the conc-op was doing the sp points and then when the hp showed up it was because of the lifeshield. So i will have to redo the shield and armor I have because it is not helping me now that I am using undead form just about every quest.
Calm down man,
I have a capped pm that I play every day from over a year.
I'm not here to give you wrong infos and I'm not here to see your w.t.f. on the forum.
Bracers of the demon consort have demonic shield http://ddowiki.com/page/Demonic_shield wiki says 20% proc rate +30temp hp;
Concordant opposition is 4% proc rate +30hp;
When I'm hitted in lich form (while I'm wearing conc opp and dq bracers) I gain temporary hp very often, seems like 30-40% of the time, then the lich temp hp proc rate is 6-16% for me(30%-24%=6% - 40%-24%=16%).
1-3%??max 5%?You're an unlucky lich. Go vampire and die. (w.t.f. -.-')
I also see multiple temp hp proc together, I see it in the hp bar that shows 30 to 60(never seen more) temporary hp. It couldn't happen so often if the lich rate is 1% like you say...
I have an epic blademark docent I normally use when I'm not in undead form, I remember life shield ( http://ddowiki.com/page/Life_Shield ) stacking but I'll try it out later... btw when lifeshield proc we can see it in the buffs, when lich proc we cannot see. Are different things so they should stack like demonic shield and conc opp.
Last edited by korsat; 02-14-2012 at 03:59 AM.
I am calm, just posting facts for the OP. No need to go all vamp and die on people :/
The OP did not ask if demon bracers procs, or con-opp procs or this/that procs.. so, that was what I was answering. You are doing your 'testing' with other variables - the bracers, life shield, con-opp - and those together may be 10-20 or even 30%, BUT... the question was for Lich form.
And as for seeing multiple temp hp - this could, in theory, be ONE item going off a few times in a row... again, very lucky, in theory. This does not really have anything to do with Lich form.
I was clarifying that the info you gave was incorrect regarding Lich form, it does not proc 10-20%, no big deal, maybe your specific setup does and that's great.
Mubjon - Yea, I tested it again as well and did not see any life shield go off in either wraith or lich.
**and realize I double posted - sorry you guys **