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  1. #1
    Community Member Silverwren's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Angry Un-nerf the drop rates!!!!

    Over this weekend I think I ran nine or ten epiquests with my level 20 wizard. Want to take a guess as to how many epic item scrolls, seals and shards I got?

    One.......(and it was one I already had, just to rub salt in the wound).

    Lest you think this is all about me, I was not alone. I think I saw perhaps three other epic crafting mats drop for other players in my groups, and I'm talking overall, in quest as well as at quest end in the epichest.

    What gives? Why is the drop rate on these so low? While I'm on the subject of drop rates, why is it also so low for Cannith Crafting essences? My crafter has been stuck at the mid 80's for months because she can't get a good amount of essences from quests any longer.

    My guess is that this was intentional, that the devs let the essences fly when Cannith crafting was first introduced but after a while the drop rate was nerfed. I'm guessing the same applies to epic mats.

    So, to the point of the post. MOAR PLEASE!!! We have lives outside of DDO and can't spend sixteen hours a day there grinding for mats and essences. We'd like to be able to create at least one epic item sometime before our third True Resurrection. We'd also like to be able to reach at least level 100 in Cannith crafting before update 23 comes out. I'm not asking that the drop rates be brought back to original levels, but throw us a bone at least!

    I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they're going and hook up with 'em later on - Mitch Hedberg
    Silverweb - Silverwren - Silverware - Daydream - Dubbelklik

  2. #2
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    The issue is "what is the comfortable drop rate that keeps people coming back for more but doesnt discourage people from running the content at all?"

    Too much, and the game is too easy - theres nothing special about any of the gear. It gets boring real quick when players have every single gear item they could ever want 20x over.

    Too little, and people stop playing that specific content because they got better things to do than run the same 5 or 6 quests over and over again until hell freezes over, which is pretty much when their desired loot will drop.

    Seems like Turbine, little by little, are putting mechanics into the game that ensure that repeated runs of specific content will eventually guarantee a drop.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  3. #3
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    The issue is "what is the comfortable drop rate that keeps people coming back for more but doesnt discourage people from running the content at all?"

    Too much, and the game is too easy - theres nothing special about any of the gear. It gets boring real quick when players have every single gear item they could ever want 20x over.

    Too little, and people stop playing that specific content because they got better things to do than run the same 5 or 6 quests over and over again until hell freezes over, which is pretty much when their desired loot will drop.

    Seems like Turbine, little by little, are putting mechanics into the game that ensure that repeated runs of specific content will eventually guarantee a drop.
    I'll agree with what is said here. But I'll add in that grind is relative to the player. I personally find the grind in epic sands (EDQ1 in particular) to be higher than I like so I run it very little. I prefer EV6 and Fens myself as the grind appears to be less so I run those more. You'll find this varies from player to player. There is so much for me to do in the game currently that I prefer to run content that gives me a higher chance at loot. Running epic DQ1 5 times in a row with no loot for any member just feels like a waste of time to me. For others, they may like ultra rare gear. This gives them something to do with their time.
    Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen

  4. #4
    Community Member dotHackSign's Avatar
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    I do think the epics need to have their drop rates increased as more epic level content is added. Otherwise there just won't be time to cover it all unless you don't have to work. As this happens the quests with lower drop rates will be run less and less. Players will run the quests that allow them to get the most benefit for their time. Especially players that cannot devote as much time to the game. I think this happens to some of the lower level quests now. If a quest is a pain, or not as rewarding, players will skip it if they can.
    All Your Base Are Belong To US - Cannith

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