Over this weekend I think I ran nine or ten epiquests with my level 20 wizard. Want to take a guess as to how many epic item scrolls, seals and shards I got?
One.......(and it was one I already had, just to rub salt in the wound).
Lest you think this is all about me, I was not alone. I think I saw perhaps three other epic crafting mats drop for other players in my groups, and I'm talking overall, in quest as well as at quest end in the epichest.
What gives? Why is the drop rate on these so low? While I'm on the subject of drop rates, why is it also so low for Cannith Crafting essences? My crafter has been stuck at the mid 80's for months because she can't get a good amount of essences from quests any longer.
My guess is that this was intentional, that the devs let the essences fly when Cannith crafting was first introduced but after a while the drop rate was nerfed. I'm guessing the same applies to epic mats.
So, to the point of the post. MOAR PLEASE!!! We have lives outside of DDO and can't spend sixteen hours a day there grinding for mats and essences. We'd like to be able to create at least one epic item sometime before our third True Resurrection. We'd also like to be able to reach at least level 100 in Cannith crafting before update 23 comes out. I'm not asking that the drop rates be brought back to original levels, but throw us a bone at least!