What do I mean by this?
Well, most dungeons in DDO follow what are generally variations of linear design. These dungeons funnel you forward through the dungeon with very little in the way of exploration.
Even the most complex maps are rather simple.
I want a different style of dungeon that requires a much larger investment of brainpower.
I want an old fashioned dungeon crawl.
With a dungeon crawl map, the concept is to work your way through a very large dungeon. Randomness will be a BIG factor in this type of map.
EDIT 2-14-12: Image Changed to a simpler, home-made version.
You'll notice the map above is broken off into a 3x3 grid, with a large part up top. The part up top would bye your "Entrance" into the rest of the dungeon, which has the big grid pieces arranged in a random order. (This way the 9 tiles are never in the same location). Each tile will have its own boss, its own chests, and its own way of progressing.
Additionally, key items (like crests for doors) will be placed in random rooms in each grid, to prevent full on zerg runs on sections. Each grid will have placement for 100+ traps, but only certain ones will be active on an individual run. (So, again, you don't know where traps will be).
The beginning of the dungeon will have a general merchant, and an Auctioneer for offloading inventories.
You gain XP as you delve for each of the 10 (entry plus 9 grids) you complete. There will be few rest shrines, with the difficulty focusing on preparation and resource management, not necessarily "epic difficulty".
Anyways, its a thought.
What do you guys think?
Edit 2-14-12: The picture above is generated through a pen and paper map generator. Complexity is closer to what I imagine than the old one, but could still be payed with.