Can you change bonus to stats from this spell to 'Profane' or 'Competence'?
Can you change bonus to stats from this spell to 'Profane' or 'Competence'?
I think I'd prefer them to be scaled bonuses instead.
CL 11
+4 str dex con
+4 Natural Armor
+5 Fort Save
+2 Str Dex Con every 4 levels there after
+1 Natural Armor every 4 levels there after
so at CL 20
+8 str dex con
+6 Natural Armor
+5 Fort
Alternately I could see making everything a scaling competence bonus
+2 Str Dex Con Natural Armor and Fort
+1 to each every 3 levels thereafter
total +5 Str Dex Con Natural Armor and Fort at level 20... though I'm leaning toward the first choice currently
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
Make them morale. The change they were going to do to madstone boots would be appropriate if done to tensers instead.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
Yes please. While tenser's is meant to be bad for casters (and is,) its meant to be a good thing for casters built for melee.
I have a caster built for melee. I still don't cast tenser's, because it is terrible even for the build it is meant for.
Any improvement to this spell would be appreciated.
The cost of Tensers is too high. The benefits would have to be impressive to warrant its use.
Can you imagine the outcry and gnashing of teeth if arcanes were allowed to be competitive in melee?
Give the ability to cancel like barbarian's rage, and a small bonus to melee, and I'd use it. Take it out of the vendors if concerned about UMD abuse. Heck, tie the bonus to Int or Cha (base + tome + level ups).
Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..
This spell is a classic from pen and paper. The intent of the spell was to allow a Wizard who was out of spells or did not want to use any more spells to still have something to do other than hide and try not to die. Not a lot of fun when a combat can take 30+ minutes. So based on that it is working correctly. It just does not translate well to this venue.
I do think the Faith version should be relooked. Not sure why your Diety would cut you off from power with such a minor bonus.
Maybe the spell should just be removed and replaced with a polymorph spell. Form of the Bear or some such -10% movement +x to Str +x to Con -x to dex (+8/+4/-2 iirc).
I do hope they are working on Form spells for when druids hit.
If we had no SLAs it might see use as the backup it was meant to be. As it stands though, carrying wands of various damage spells is likely to do more for you. And with the divine powers coming in clickie for, the spell is entirely sidelined into the useless category. It definitly needs work. Fortunately, Eladrin agreed that it needs an overhaul.... we just don't know where it is in the priority list (likely very low)
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
Tensers has needed love for a long time. Since its release if you want to be specific. It's terrible. + to str and con thag don't stack with items? + to natural armor that doesn't stack with items/pots? And I lose my ability to cast? Lame.
There is literally no purpose to this spell. I bet Turbine can count on 1 hand of 1 employee the number of casters that memorize this spell, and all of them are from when the spell first came out, and those people no longer play...
The problem is that if they make it stackable, the arcanes would see a marginal gain and pure melees with UMD would see a HUGE impact. For this reason alone, I'd say they keep it as it is. There's a tenuous balance as it is and STR is, by far, the easiest stat to get to stratospheric levels. We certainly don't need UMD melees with +x to their STR and CON.
Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
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Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules:
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Simple fix - remove the scrolls from vendors (but keep them in random loot tables).
In fact, I blame the vendors for the fact that UMD is widely considered the most overpowered skill in the game.
If by "balance" you mean "only used by Chaos Orbs to get a caster killed", then yes, it's very balanced.
But if that's really Turbine's intent, the best fix is to change "Target:Self" to "Target:Foe". I'd love to hit Horoth with it.
That could be a good compromise with the provision they don't fix it retroactively so that people can't just load up their mule toons with Tenser's scrolls.
Even if it wasn't on purple names, being able to cast it on enemy casters would be awesomeIf by "balance" you mean "only used by Chaos Orbs to get a caster killed", then yes, it's very balanced.
But if that's really Turbine's intent, the best fix is to change "Target:Self" to "Target:Foe". I'd love to hit Horoth with it.
Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules:
I do not agree with this as there is already a certain arcane toon that can make use of Tenser's, I called it an "AAAcidic (H)elven Heretic" (Heretic as it does not comply with this Forum ideals). I changed the toon away from AA as I got semi annoyed with the manyshot cooldown and wanted to trial different heretical feats, not with the use of Tenser's. The only downside of Tenser's is that it stops wand/scroll healing, but as it only lasts for 2 minutes, this is not that bad. Also you have to remember to rage and haste and displace before Tensering.
Last edited by Spud42; 02-12-2012 at 07:48 PM.