The Righteous effect found on items used to work, but a stealth change in Update 12 completely broke it. It is supposed to give you a stacking +2 attack bonus and +2 damage against evil-aligned monsters when using this weapon, but it does absolutely nothing. The good-aligned benefit still works.
I submitted a bug report as have several others and I want to make sure this gets on the Known Issues list. So come on developers, please let us know what is going on.
In the following picture on the latest Lamania build, I am facing the front side of the portal so there is no flanking bonus. The portal is evil-aligned. I am constantly running while attacking and my only relevant buff was Rage (not really even necessary). My total attack bonus is +11 + 2 from Righteous. So attack bonus SHOULD be +13. My absolute damage range assuming no crits possible is 7-16 + 2 from Righteous. So the real total SHOULD be 9-18 damage. Instead, my running attack bonus is stuck at +11, which is wrong. I am getting rolls of 8 damage, which is below the minimum, and I never roll more than 16 damage. Righteous is clearly broken:
EDIT: Oops I might have accidentally made the title too provocative but I'm unable to edit it now. Sorry!