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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Making all races and classes available to VIP, and Artificers and Warforged for all

    While Turbine has at least started being honest about the fact that VIP players have to earn or purchase Drow, Artificers, and Favored Souls (they used to falsely claim that these classes and race were included), they should be included as part of the membership. Many people, myself included, have cancelled VIP memberships because we weren't willing to pay $15 dollars a month without turbine doing the courtesy of at least providing us immediate access to all races and classes. It's generally considered normal that in a free to play, paid membership optional game like DDO that those who choose to pay for the membership should be rewarded with every available feature. Without allowing access to every race and class, the benefits of membership really end up not being even close to worth $15 a month.

    Also, Warforged and Artificers should be free to play for all membership tiers. Or all the races and classes that could have been chosen to not be free content, these two are the worst possible choices. Both the Warforged and the Artificer are integral to the Eberron campaign setting, and capture the entire unique flavor of the setting. It was bad enough that it took 12 updates for DDO to even include Artificers, without making such an important element of the campaign setting premium content. What's the point of even setting the game in Eberron if players have to pay ectra to actually play Eberron?

  2. #2
    Community Member Dwarfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiwgar View Post
    Also, Warforged and Artificers should be free to play for all membership tiers. Or all the races and classes that could have been chosen to not be free content, these two are the worst possible choices. Both the Warforged and the Artificer are integral to the Eberron campaign setting, and capture the entire unique flavor of the setting. It was bad enough that it took 12 updates for DDO to even include Artificers, without making such an important element of the campaign setting premium content. What's the point of even setting the game in Eberron if players have to pay ectra to actually play Eberron?
    They'd never make WF f2p, they generate to much revenue.

  3. #3
    Community Member Imatotalnoob's Avatar
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    I'm all for getting extra stuff for free!

    But then I am a tight a$$ aussie

  4. #4


    VIP getting all content, races and classes with membership - Agreed 100%.

    F2P getting Atrificer and WF - Can not agree as it lessens the reason to be VIP.

    VIP's are a steady, reliable sources of income. Even if there where some dividing line among 1, 6 and 12 months subscriptions, I would not be opposed. For full disclosure, I am a VIP, have been since my second month of play (give or take) and generally renew for a 12 month period. I don't mind paying for character perks such as Veteran Status, 32 point characters or even expansion packs. That I am still forced to either grind favor or pay for new classes and races seems to be asking a bit much.

  5. #5
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    I'm fine with certain races and classes not being available for free to players, it's the choice of Artificer and Warforged, two options that are so important to the Eberron campaign setting, that bothers me. I mean, Warforged are the leaving reminder of the Last War that shattered the Kingdom of Galifar, and Artificers, frankly, are what makes Eberron Eberron.

  6. #6
    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    Wait, arent WF free for VIPs already, and i able to unlock Arti with favor? I bet they are. Still it will be good to see one more canith pack, maybe from level 15-17 this time, so unlocking was easier.

    Sure im fine with with VIPs getting cool stuff at spot, and generally do not forcing them to spend TP for anything outside res cookies and haircuts. Since some ppl choose this option so they can save the time, since tis 9$/month dosnt mattaer for them.

    I dont see the point of making especially WF/Arti free to play. Run multipply runs, or spend some cash when TP be on promocion and buy everything you want, it will cost as typical game.

    The truth is that Arti WF is not "essencial for ebberon setting" combo (lol) its just much more powerful and fun than lets say elven ranger.

    So instead of makining good stuff free, devs could change the underdogs to be worth playing.

  7. #7
    Founder & Hero
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    Yes WF and arties are important to eberron but not everyone has to be playing one to make it Eberron. As to warforged they aren't the best race for all builds and you need to know a little about what your doing to plaly one even more so for arties have ran with a lot lately that spent a bit of time in my BP to save me aggervation

    Beware the Sleepeater

  8. #8
    Community Member evilgardengnome's Avatar
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    If you want to be awesome you should have to pay. Keep Warforged pay to play!

  9. #9
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    Warforged are a nice Turbine Point drain for Turbine in that it is a race that you will want to have but also a race that will costs significantly less enough compared to everything else that you won't object to paying for it. Basically, a F2P person has limited Turbine Points so if you grab Monk and Warforged your going to have less for Adventure Packs and thus more incentive to become P2P or VIP.

    From a F2P perspective, I may not want to spent Turbine Points on Half-orcs and Half-elves simply because it costs far more and I'm just getting a race or two that isn't necessarily better then one I already have, but for the Warforged it is a different story in that it opens up several options.

    Now, Artificer's 'are' available if you unlock them for the favor. I do believe VIP's should have access to them but I can understand the logic in making it so everyone else has to grind out the favor or shell out the Turbine Points for them. IE, it's a powerful class and there is incentive to getting it by purchasing it or paying for the challenges and House C adventure pack and grinding out the favor for them.

    In Regards to the Drow Elves and Favored Souls I think that might be more of a perhaps VIP should get them but I like the idea of some class being associated with game experience. IE, you have to earn favor to unlock those and that means you have to spend time in game doing it. Drow though are easy to unlock so I wouldn't be against VIP's having access to them. Favored Souls however take a while to unlock and I think you should either shell out some Turbine Points for them or earn them through Favor.

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