Hey guys,
Now that toon transfer is live again, I copied my crafter over. However, it appears the unbound shard machine is capped at 150 instead of 200. Bound machine goes up to 150 correctly, am I the only one experiencing this?
Hey guys,
Now that toon transfer is live again, I copied my crafter over. However, it appears the unbound shard machine is capped at 150 instead of 200. Bound machine goes up to 150 correctly, am I the only one experiencing this?
The Crafting Mogul of Orien!, Yuupppp!! .:. Join The Craze - http://www.ddochat.com
Proud to be part of what is, sad at the closure of what was, and grateful to have called it home...
Proudly Canadian, and just providing my $0.02 cents. ($0.025 USD)