I'll start by saying Flam has everything; +4 into tomes, litany, +7int items. If it's on your caster wish list then Flam has it and Flam is also a completionist. I will also make mention that this is only achievable by a Drow wizard.
62int 52 Necro DC.
Oh don't get confused, the spell cost is 51sp, the DC is 52.
Got a few questions about Flam's build so here are the answers:
I have all 3 Wizard Past Lives and 2 Fvs past lives so I never take spell pen feats: my spell pen is 38/37 since epic Torc doesn't cover lvl 9 spells.
My sp averages at 2455 not sure fully buffed because to have max sp gear on I lose DCs.
My hp is generally 517 in lich but I can max it at 687 (honestly not worth it to max it ever, even tanking I only have 577to 599 depending on if I have rage up.)
To optimize my feat use I have to use a lesser at lvl 20, not really a problem since I always have a trapper lvl in me for lving purposes.
My feats: toughness, insightful reflexes, wizard past, completionist, nercro, g necro, bard past, enchant focus, max, emp, quicken, heighten,
My standard Necro DC (ship buffed and yugo) is 46.
Reaching completionist I did a 14sorc/1rogue/needed class and a lesser tr+5 to roll back to required class. Did a lot lives with a guildie and here is our guide. 37hours play timer per TR on normal xp. 28 hours during bonus xp weeks. http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=4199714
6 enchant (ring)
3 exceptional (ring)
1 enchant (staff)
1 profane (litany)
2 ship
25 base
3 enhance
4 tome
4 profane (cookies)
3 alchemical (house D)
2 yugo
2 store
2 completion
+ 2 lich
2 capstone