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  1. #1
    Community Member Saravis's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default Raid timer item idea

    Here's an idea that came to me and I'm curious what you all think of it.

    Raid Timer Reset Token:
    This token allows you to reset one raid timer of your choice. With a reset token in your inventory, simply talk to the quest giver for the raid and there'll be an option to use the token. A reset token can only be used once every 3 days.

    With the 3 day period it would in no way allow for ransacking of raids, but would simply allow someone to have a second go at any raid he/she so pleases.

    It would be a DDO store item and perhaps could be a rare drop like experience pots and such.

  2. #2
    Community Member Krago's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Saravis View Post
    Here's an idea that came to me and I'm curious what you all think of it.

    Raid Timer Reset Token:
    This token allows you to reset one raid timer of your choice. With a reset token in your inventory, simply talk to the quest giver for the raid and there'll be an option to use the token. A reset token can only be used once every 3 days.

    With the 3 day period it would in no way allow for ransacking of raids, but would simply allow someone to have a second go at any raid he/she so pleases.

    It would be a DDO store item and perhaps could be a rare drop like experience pots and such.
    I like the idea but the time between uses needs to be decreased, otherwise you can run the same raid twice in the same waiting period. I do not see a problem with decreasing the time if its obtained from the DDO store.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Niv-mizzet's Avatar
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    I'm sure some people will probably stop in to shout "NO."

    But occasionally repeating a raid more often than once in a 3 day period doesn't seem that bad at all.

    It's not heavily important either, though. I guess you could really sink your TP's into getting to 20 within a month instead of 2 months. Or you could have a friend running a raid that you're timered for, so you spend some tp to be able to run with him.

    I'd probably almost never use it, but y'know. What the hell. I'm sure someone will.

  4. #4
    Community Member Saravis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krago View Post
    I like the idea but the time between uses needs to be decreased, otherwise you can run the same raid twice in the same waiting period. I do not see a problem with decreasing the time if its obtained from the DDO store.
    If you think of it that way you could run it 3 times in that waiting period, 4 if you don't mind an extra 6 hour wait, 2 times and then another 2 times after 3 days. It effectively allows you to double the amount of times you can run a single raid.

  5. #5
    Community Member herzkos's Avatar
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    don't like the idea of a universal one, but sure if you wanna pay to reset your raid timer go right ahead.
    heck, i'd put a limit of one per 24 hrs though. (raid timer reset timer for the win)
    would need to have a waiting period of 6 months or so on new raids though.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Silverwren's Avatar
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    I like the idea. It's not game breaking, Turbine could sell them and make a little dough, and maybe they could show up from time to time in an epic chest.
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