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  1. #41
    The Hatchery BrightAsh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    In this thread, OP is upset because someone else's loot isn't his/hers.


    Only 9 runs and already ****ed off? how many people have multiple characters with over 50 runs and still don't have what they want.
    Thelanis: Botar, Klogar, Saludar, Shantarr, Karygon

  2. #42
    Community Member Zenthalas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grandesa View Post
    OK, I have done ToD 9 times on my artificer since his TR, just came out of one.. AND 6 out of 9 times, I GET SCREWED on the rings. *snipped*
    Maybe time to take a break if your getting this upset over other peoples loot.

  3. #43
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    22 runs before my light monk was handed the Kyosho ring by a really nice guy.

    22 runs of watching 3-4 Kyosho go up for roll, only 1 went to a light monk. Rest went to other dps of various types. Had just about given up on getting the ring since everyone was willing to roll for a ring that fit my class and prestige line. I have a bank full of other random sets that no one wanted and were passed to me.

    I can't really use any of them.

    Oh and my 20th list was all rings (cha, int) I had and no tomes.

    Should just be glad you saw that many ring drop.

  4. #44
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    I suggest the OP to find a decent guild to run Raids with. It is the only good shot at getting items dropped to other people. ToD isn't even the most contested one, and 9 runs are a drop in the ocean of Raiding.

    I say NO to class-locking any item in the game. Creativity shouldn't be locked.
    I say NO to pot-smoking FBI members.

    Carry on...
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  5. #45
    Community Member Terebinthia's Avatar
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    I wouldn't support forcing TOD rings into "must have at least 1 level of X class" mechanics.

    My FvS has a random ring for the charisma / wisdom (Telvi's, IIRC, could be dragonmarked) and a cleric ring (Morgana's) for the to hit. It's not my fault there's no FvS sets.

    My ranger has a monk ring (Kyosho's) and a Barbarian ring (Ravager) - it's not my fault the tempest set is naff.

    My cleric has a random ring for the charisma / wisdom, a wizard ring for the major arcane lore, and - oh look! A cleric ring (Amara's) for the extra bursts, which I wear only when partied up. The other cleric rings that I've been passed because no-one wanted them rot in the bank because they are junk for her build. On the other hand I would be delighted with one of those cleric rings for my monk as a stopgap wisdom ring prior to Kyosho's. At least I could put holy burst on SOMETHING, lol.

    I like that there is flexibility in the TOD sets. I do think it's worth challenging wacky rolls politely if in party sometimes (I was a bit boggled when a barbarian rolled against a FvS for Tharmor's (Charisma / Con, great for a FvS, sorc, pally) and was completely unable to articulate why they wanted it - if it had been my loot I wouldn't have given it to him given his lack of ability to explain his need - he lucked out as the puller was more relaxed) and sometimes if people are rolling for future lives and stuff they will be nice if you explain that's your ideal set - this is how I got my Charisma / Wisdom ring on my Soul.

    But there's a big difference between saying "look, that's the set I really want, are you sure you need that?" nicely and expecting other people's loot.

    N.B. Not even sure I'm going to take my wizzy into TOD - not sure Rakhir's +int is better than Epic ring of Master Artifice, Epic Spyglass and random +6 GFL belt these days... Plus I'm a wimp about learning to tank / kite shadows
    Last edited by Terebinthia; 02-10-2012 at 04:20 AM.
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  6. #46
    Community Member SoloPhalanx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grandesa View Post
    I just posted my above rants and ravings a couple of hours ago. After reading over it a couple of times, I know now that many of the replies to this post hold alot of truths and many good points. and Yeah at that time I was an OP. I don't like to consider myself OP and I know I'm better then that.

    At the time when i wrote this, yes i was extremely mad to yet see another lost ToD ring roll to another player which in my mind I knew I would have had a much better use then that player but he won it fairly, just like the other 5 (all of which were rolls which I lost to them fairly) I Failed to see that from this most recent ToD and I was a fool to go off on anyone or character class in my original post.

    Yeah I'm still not happy to see it, but as one of u posted, yes only 9 runs in on my TR (Which BTW yes I have 3+ years of DDO NonEpic/Epic raids and 2 current toons each with over 80-90 completes of ToD on all difficulties not including the 40+ completes on my Arti's PL, Don't judge what u don't know about the player) and the best thing to do is keep at it until either I get lucky on a roll or take it on one of my 20th's. So in Retrospect, I want to apologize for the total lack of respect of any players that have toon's in my ranting session I have mentioned.

    I do however would like to say that even though I went off the deepend on my original post, I still think that with all the crafting abilities this game has to offer, Respect the factor of when you know in your heart that "hey this guy/gal could really see alot more benefit from this item/wep/ring then me" give that other person a chance or break. I know from my own experience w/ my other char's with the ungodly 80+ completions that patience will win in the end and that perfect will come in time.

    and Yes I would still like to see item sets in ToD to those who play classes that have to fall under the same category of chancing rolls and patience that I know now I am a part of. FvS, Artificer, upcoming Druid, and any other class that i have not mentioned or yet to come. Make us a worthy TOD SET!

    My idea is not to remove these sets from ToD, it would become another DDO raid that would dwindle away because of lack of need to run. Find a way to make it work, I know Class only ToD sets is not a good idea the more i think about it, (My Multiclass Tempest ranger uses Ravager set) Failed thought
    You've won my respect for this post. Rare to see someone do such a thing here.
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  7. #47
    Community Member Fomori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalHazard View Post
    how do you know it would of gone up for roll? Ive seen people about to loot something for themselves but change their mind because the 5 lds would be more useful to them than the item. For example its of marginal use but the extra greensteel item they can craft would be more useful to them, or they can use it to buy that epic scroll that they have been after. The item they might of planned to loot might of been for a TR but they are willing to forgo it if the price is right.

    Ive never offered to sell something, or offered to buy raid loot, but ive had people offer to give me something for my raid loot and ive decided to give it to them for that price, ive joined lfms where the leader was offer frds for so and so an item and when it dropped ive traded it to them. Have I commited some mortal sin? Am I now some evil person who is going to rot in some ddo hell in the after life? Geez. And if they price was insultingly low ive put stuff up for roll, in those cases was glad to see the guy offering pocket change loose, or if it was useful to me I took it.

    People will always covet other peoples loot and get butt hurt over that other people do with their loot, I hope they squelch me because I hate grouping with whinging greedy cry babies, I got squelched for putting my loot up for roll ffs you can't win with some people they are only happy if all everyone elses lootz is belong to them.
    djl probably could have put it a bit nicer but I agree with him in that I abhor people that offer to sell/buy BtC loot. I wont ever get mad at someone for putting up their loot for sale, but what I will do is never let them 'roll' on my loot every again.

    To me it's the fair is fair agreement. When I put items up for roll I kind of expect others to the do same when they get something they are not going to immediately take. I dont expect player X to roll on a item from me and get it for free, but if he has an item it has to be bought by me. Thus they get blacklisted from my future rolls. Its not a greed thing its a consequences thing. You make a choice now live with the consequences of that choice. If may be that me not letting you roll on my loot is a zero consequence action to you. Cool... do what you will then. I wont ever whine about your choice though. Your loot is your loot.
    Last edited by Fomori; 02-10-2012 at 11:03 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mournbladereigns View Post
    Actually, if this Nerf's one of Shade's barb's I doubly support this!

  8. #48
    Community Member DeafeningWhisper's Avatar
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    I'm at 18 runs on my wiz and pretty sure I'll have to get at the very least to 20 to get either wiz rings, I did get Cinder thou because I needed the str and something to put +2 exec con on.

    Rolling on something that someone else could use much more is annoying but it's part of the game, Hell I once lost a Torc to a barb who was then asked if he was Tring into a caster and he answered "no, why?". Seen casters rolling on Madstone boots, Lorikk Shield and the like and getting angry when the player who pulled them gave them to a class that could get full use of them (his loot his rules, people do realise those players could just have kept them right?).

    I've rolled on stuff people could use better then my toon and more often then not I just end up passing them in chest and getting them later.

    P.S. 9 runs of any raid is not nearly enough times to be mad, I know a wiz who is at 82 runs of ADQ2 with no Torc.
    "Pike or do not. There is no lag."

  9. #49
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    Frankly, ToD loot is bogus.

    The rings are relatively unexciting, given the quality of gear that can be acquired through more recent content. Also, the sheer number of different rings, combined with their rarity and the random nature of the loot drops, makes them even less appealing, for the same reason not many bother with Epic Sands gear anymore.

    Furthermore, in order to get the set bonus, you are also locked into wearing some spectacularly mediocre belt or necklace in addition to the ring. The numbers just don't add up any more.

    I don't bother with it, and ignore ToD when planning the gear I am after for a toon.

    To the OP:

    (1) Suck it up, their loot is their loot, and your loot is your loot.

    (2) Get a Ring of the Master Artificer from the Cannith Challenges, then craft yourself a nice +6 Int Ring of Persuasion with a guild augment slot, and craft a 10% ranged alacrity shard into your Runearm.

    (3) Post threads whining about Lord of Blades loot.
    Give a man a fish, and he demands two more tomorrow.
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  10. #50
    Community Member Tinco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Entelech View Post
    Frankly, ToD loot is bogus.
    Nah, the quality of some of them is not the problem and the craftable properties are really useful, it's more the overall set balance, the bloated loot table, the bugginess and the insulting 20th list.
    The best days are the days you don't have to wear socks or shoes.

  11. #51
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Entelech View Post

    (3) Post threads whining about Lord of Blades loot.
    I always get a kick out of this. Even if you have no interest in making Alchemicals, the power cells you get out of LOB are extremely valuable.

  12. #52
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    This might sting a bit.

    On my very first EVER TOD I pulled both the belt and the ring that I was looking for on my wizzard. I had to roll on the ring, but I got both on my first and only run.

    Now when I run it on my barb, I just laugh to myself when people roll on rings that could be used and is usually wanted by an appropriate class in the group.

    In the end, it was never yours to begin with. Nobody has to put anything up for roll.

    If I get a chance to roll on a ring that I want, I consider myself fortunate and don't get ****ed if I lose to a monk that rolled on a barb ring. hahaha

    don't get mad, just run that sucker again........
    The Fockers of Argo
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  13. #53
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ovrad View Post
    Suggestion: Replace all rings in ToD by class generic ones, with unlockable PrE!

    What I mean by that is instead of having a Frenzied Berserker ring, a Ravager Ring, and an Occult Slayer ring, you only get a Barbarian Ring, which can be crafted into the old ones. Same for any other class, including FvS, Arti and Druids (eventually). You could then choose which PrE you unlock for it, using ingredients, probably small or medium shroud ingredients, to unlock the exceptional +1 stat and PrE bonus at the same time.

    So in the end, for example, you'd have in the ToD chest:
    Barbarian Ring : Strength +6, Prestigious Potential, Incredible Potential

    Then (using let's say small shroud ingredients) unlock the prestige and it becomes:
    Encrusted Ring: Strength +6, Exceptional Strength +1, Frenzied Berserker, Incredible Potential
    Gnawed Ring: Strength +6, Exceptional Constitution +1, Occult Slayer, Incredible Potential
    Ring of the Ravager: Strength +6, Exceptional Strength +1, Ravager, Incredible Potential

    It would greatly help the incredibly low drop rates of specific rings, and allow for easy addition of new rings.
    This is a really good idea!

    I like the idea of being able to do something with my smalls like this.

  14. #54
    Community Member GrampaBill's Avatar
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    Can someone help me figure out why this in Lamannia Discussion?
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    Quote Originally Posted by droipamine View Post
    I imagine we'll be looking at this very soon.

  15. #55
    Founder Stanley_Nicholas's Avatar
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    The archmage set is the single best set from TOD for a caster FvS (which isn't saying much for the loot available in there, but anyway...). Denying such a FvS access to it just because an arti would also be interested is completely inappropriate, unless the arti is your friend and you want to pass it to him and that is acceptable in your social group. Do you expect the FvS to just come along and heal you with no chance for reward? Think again.
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  16. #56
    Community Member Indoran's Avatar
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    82 Tod runs on gilmara to get her rings
    60 on Kaeral
    40+ on Laerak
    Idk how many on Sibeli (still trying to get the archmage ring) and Pinel

    and you are whining about 9 runs? please imagine what I could be thinking about that
    Khyber: Pinel / Laerak / Sibeli / Kaeral / Gilmara - Crafter

  17. #57
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrampaBill View Post
    Can someone help me figure out why this in Lamannia Discussion?
    Because Lammania is at the top right now, and people click it out of reflex thinking they are posting in General.

  18. #58
    Community Member Dendrix's Avatar
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    looks like you are after 6 different rings. How many are you going to wear at once?

    Run 1 - Whisper ring
    Run 3 - Ring of Deftness.
    Run 4 - Gilvaenor's Ring
    Run 7 - Nyoko's Band
    Run 6 - Band of Siberys
    Run 9 - Rahkir's Ring

    loot hungry much?

  19. #59
    Community Member Aritukus's Avatar
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    Such a drama!

  20. #60
    Community Member Candela90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dendrix View Post
    looks like you are after 6 different rings. How many are you going to wear at once?

    Run 1 - Whisper ring
    Run 3 - Ring of Deftness.
    Run 4 - Gilvaenor's Ring
    Run 7 - Nyoko's Band
    Run 6 - Band of Siberys
    Run 9 - Rahkir's Ring

    loot hungry much?
    Well.... technically we have 10 hand-fingers, right? ;p.
    Why use only 2.

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