Seeks a ToD set for every PrE in the game. The responsible Developer also seeks a storyline for each set and incorporates it into the grander storyline of the game. The responsible developer ignores forum miscreants with large green bars that farm "Renown" with thinly veiled drama/flamewar/attack/manipulative/comedy posts that just barely scrape under the Forum ToS. The responsible deveolper makes sure his players have an expectable schema for character building and shouldn't have to use workarounds and things that almost work due to a lack of coding to complete specific areas of the game. I understand Battle Engineer is at Tier 1 and that Ninja Spy is not yet complete, that there are tons of projects to take care of and complete revisions of current systems underway. This does not mean you create a class and do not create class specific static items at endgame.

Please, add a ToD set for the Artificer's Battle Engineer PrE, give us a date by which you expect to add Tier 3 to Ninja Spy and Deepwood Sniper, or just give us a heads up on what you intend to do with the game. Please lock those threads to avoid letting the forum slime spread their ooze babies all over them as they grow into Extremely Enormous Gelatinous Dodecahedrons.

Furthermore, to address something made painfully obvious by the Artificer and Mechanic, please adjust Arcane Archer to be at least 90% the stable DPS of a Capstoned Dwarven Axe Kensai (Fighter 20) at Point Blank range, for the sole purpose of introducing them as effective combatants in content over level 10. Slayer arrows tend to kill things with only 50 HP remaining, so the damage needs to be spread out (widen the range, reduce the damage to balance). From level 8 to level 17.99, the Arcane Archer stands out like a sore thumb.