I just posted my above rants and ravings a couple of hours ago. After reading over it a couple of times, I know now that many of the replies to this post hold alot of truths and many good points. and Yeah at that time I was an OP.

I don't like to consider myself OP and I know I'm better then that.
At the time when i wrote this, yes i was extremely mad to yet see another lost ToD ring roll to another player which in my mind I knew I would have had a much better use then that player but he won it fairly, just like the other 5 (all of which were rolls which I lost to them fairly) I Failed to see that from this most recent ToD and I was a fool to go off on anyone or character class in my original post.
Yeah I'm still not happy to see it, but as one of u posted, yes only 9 runs in on my TR (Which BTW yes I have 3+ years of DDO NonEpic/Epic raids and 2 current toons each with over 80-90 completes of ToD on all difficulties not including the 40+ completes on my Arti's PL, Don't judge what u don't know about the player) and the best thing to do is keep at it until either I get lucky on a roll or take it on one of my 20th's. So in Retrospect, I want to apologize for the total lack of respect of any players that have toon's in my ranting session I have mentioned.
I do however would like to say that even though I went off the deepend on my original post, I still think that with all the crafting abilities this game has to offer, Respect the factor of when you know in your heart that "hey this guy/gal could really see alot more benefit from this item/wep/ring then me" give that other person a chance or break. I know from my own experience w/ my other char's with the ungodly 80+ completions that patience will win in the end and that perfect will come in time.
and Yes I would still like to see item sets in ToD to those who play classes that have to fall under the same category of chancing rolls and patience that I know now I am a part of. FvS, Artificer, upcoming Druid, and any other class that i have not mentioned or yet to come. Make us a worthy TOD SET!
My idea is not to remove these sets from ToD, it would become another DDO raid that would dwindle away because of lack of need to run. Find a way to make it work, I know Class only ToD sets is not a good idea the more i think about it, (My Multiclass Tempest ranger uses Ravager set) Failed thought