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Thread: Combo Moves

  1. #21
    Community Member freekay's Avatar
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    In addition to combos I want DDO to have C-C-C-Combo Breakers!!!!1!!1!

    That or

    ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓← → ← → B A Select Start <_< wait, what?

    Soaked/Soaking/Zecks/Zeckshealer - Cannith
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  2. #22
    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syllph View Post
    I think it might add a degree of interest using combo moves for various melees. I'm not exactly sure how this would be implemented but the idea is this:

    Instead of just mindlessly holding down attack we'd have, if we chose, a method of doing more damage by executing combo attacks. Perhaps something akin to attack-trip-sunder = combo.

    I have a feeling most people won't like this idea but I'd like to see a response-

    If anyone has an idea how this could be added to this game in a logical way I'd like to hear it.

    Again, I have in the back of my mind something screaming, "bad idea" but I thought I'd write it out and puzzle over it with the community.
    Hmm i had a similar idea, it will be nice to see more active movements.
    The problem i see is that will add action to my rpg. And some ppl just hate the whole idea of action rpg, and are comfortable with aoutoatack on stand stilll and cry for healz.

    I think it will be nice to see more:
    Movment options and attack actions.
    Some more combat feats, especially one for fighters, since so far i has the feeling that fighters have pleanty of feats slots, but nothing to choose from.

    I would like to see:
    Sunder weapon - so we can decrease enemy to hit, and or dmg dealed in %.
    Chaaaarge - some attack movement action, it could in the way that if character is "in range" with enemy he can leap to it fast and deal extra dmg in 1st strike.
    Coupe the grace - if we aproach unnoticed to enemy (for example sleeping) we can one shot it. This could be hard to not interfer with assasins ability and mass holds.
    Mass aoe melee CC (like whirwind stun or trip)
    Ranged pin - working as entangled
    Ranged hail of arrows (circle/cone) shaped bow attack.
    Ability to use intimidate not as taunt but as intimidate. (so shaken/fear on enemy)
    Bash in meaning of moving target off. (kind of push back)

    Most of this should be avaiable for any melee type.

    So big YES for more comabt feats, and making no magic fight interesting.

    But i dont feel a need to add some combos like in asian games, or other tekkens.

  3. #23
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Anything that would add more threat/damage being dished out by PCs would have to be balanced with extra defense/DR on mobs. Balancing to something the minority of players would use would, in turn, alienate the majority that wouldn't.
    (Opinion of "minority/majority" is purely my own and not backed by any solid analytical data support.)

    Streetfighter/Mortal Kombat combos belong elsewhere, imho.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  4. #24
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by licho View Post
    Coupe the grace - if we aproach unnoticed to enemy (for example sleeping) we can one shot it. This could be hard to not interfer with assasins ability and mass holds.

    Hitting/shooting a sleeping target already grants an auto-crit. (or used to last time I checked.)

    Ability to use intimidate not as taunt but as intimidate. (so shaken/fear on enemy)

    Barb Intim currently.


    But i dont feel a need to add some combos like in asian games, or other tekkens.

    A couple points, despite the condescending* start of your post.

    *edit: There is a huge chasm between the two extremes of full combo Kombat players, and Stand-n-Click players. Your second line gave the impression that everyone who wasn't a Combo fan, was a stand 'n clicker. Perhaps unintentionally, but that's how it reads currently.
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 02-11-2012 at 03:47 AM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

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