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  1. #121
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forzah View Post
    I found it exploiting.... lvl 1 toons clearly aren't meant to have +6 stat items. I'll give you +1 rep to repair your rep though
    as some1 else said devs don't talk about exploits they talked about the no ml rings therefore not an exploit.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  2. #122
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanteEnFuego View Post
    I can't believe I had to get this far down the thread to see this mentioned. The +6 is nice, but dang they break easily. I say WAI. Lots of runs to pull my rings...
    I don't recall seeing anyone else mention this, but if you put the Adamantine Ritual on the rings, you'll get some extra hardness and durability. Because the rings are Bound to Account, the process of putting that Adamantine Ritual on them will not make them Bound to Character.

  3. #123
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Messege from the devs:

    "Greensteel has not been working as intended for the past few years. The minimum level for greensteel accessories will now be 15. The minimum level for greensteel weapons will now be 16. These changes reflect that it is a level 17 raid and a cold, heartless world. Developers have meant to get around to fixing this bug for a while but never got around to it. Sorry we never said a word about it before, but we wanted people to buy the pack"

    "Happy TRing, and have fun all you new players that just bought the pack and never got a chance to grab your ML11/12 greensteel. Good luck, and see you in the game"
    Greensteel is raid loot is named loot and those follow usually different criteria, e.g. they have even a different damage dice. Not to mention that you have to craft those items by running a Shroud an flagging Quests couple of times...

    Quote Originally Posted by HungarianRhapsody View Post
    Making this change retroactive would be more work than just changing what the loot table spits out in the chest. If there is an option that involves less work, I'm betting that they'll take it.
    Mhhh how many +6 no ML rings out of gold that are not named but random loot you think are out there? There are quite some unique properties on those rings that would make them probably fairly easy to filter out ...

    Just saying, I wouldn't count on it not being retro, like all the Dowsing Rods.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  4. #124
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    Anyone got one on a copied toon on lasagna land? They could tell us if its retro.
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  5. #125
    Community Member Elaril's Avatar
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    Do people really care about this? It's all psychological in my opinion. Levels where the no ML come in handy are so easy, and leveled through so fast, that it doesn't matter. Don't let yourself get bent out of shape over something this silly.
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  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elaril View Post
    Do people really care about this? It's all psychological in my opinion. Levels where the no ML come in handy are so easy, and leveled through so fast, that it doesn't matter. Don't let yourself get bent out of shape over something this silly.
    Yes, they do. Do I care? No, not really. I have some nice rings that are great fun to use. I dont have +6 stat ones, or GFL, or heavy fort. I have an assortment of interesting ones, like +13 open locks and search, and some ones that are +4 stat +3 random skill, just for kicks.

    Also, for me, they come in handy at every level until 13, since I refuse to do the grind that is Cannith Crafting. I'm sure many others are in the same boat. Like I said, I'm not going to flip over it, and they're going to fix them, and that's that. I still won't ever bother with Cannith Crafting, though!

  7. #127
    Community Member Ryiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J1NG View Post
    That's the problem. There are a lot of legitimate rings with no ML. Running a blind script like that will mess all of those rings up as well.

    And I'm sure Turbine knows what I'm talking about when I say it's not as simple as just running a script.
    How so? Obviously there are certain criteria the script would have to adhere to but I don't see how it would be all the difficult. Ignoring items that are not randomly generated, are not BtA, and have a minimum level. This would eliminate all but a few sources.

    Next, I would code the script to analyze and determine the estimated item level for a ring. From what I've seen, the rings should be roughly level 9 to 11 since they're BtA which reduces the normal level requirement by 2. Scanning only for rings of that specific range would eliminate a lot of other sources such as the Sharn Syndicate.

    So sure, it isn't as simple as running a rough script. You need to know what you're doing. That said, if you have any measure of talent you should be able to do it.
    Ryiah | Raeyah | Reikara
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  8. #128
    Community Member J1NG's Avatar
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    How so? Obviously there are certain criteria the script would have to adhere to but I don't see how it would be all the difficult. Ignoring items that are not randomly generated, are not BtA, and have a minimum level. This would eliminate all but a few sources.
    BtA can easily be checked. Minimum Level can be checked. Randomly generated basically means everything bar named items. Which is a lot. A LOT of chance for something to go wrong.

    Next, I would code the script to analyze and determine the estimated item level for a ring. From what I've seen, the rings should be roughly level 9 to 11 since they're BtA which reduces the normal level requirement by 2. Scanning only for rings of that specific range would eliminate a lot of other sources such as the Sharn Syndicate.
    Estimated level is not as simple as it would appear from what I can tell. A Divine Power Clickie is normally level 7. Such a clickie can be obtained from Sharn Syndicate if you're lucky. Not all of the rings, but at least a portion of the rings from the Lord of Eyes chain appears to have effects that could push it into this ML territory as well.

    And, whilst I haven't heard of one happening, if RR can be applied, the ring will then push the ML lower, into the Level 7 or lower category. Are these to be missed (if they exist)? Or to be included? If they do exist and should be included, then what seperates them out from the Sharn Syndicate rings? Or are these simply classed as the lucky ones that don't and didn't get changed?

    So sure, it isn't as simple as running a rough script. You need to know what you're doing. That said, if you have any measure of talent you should be able to do it.
    Turbine's past track record for changing items with just ONE item (you'd think you can't mess that one up...) went rather spectacularly, producing a seperate item (Pale Lavender Ioun Stone). So you can see why I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of Turbine trying it again and then seeing my ML0 Sharn Syndicate Divine Power Clickie being pushed to ML7 just because it LOOKS like one in terms of script code because you (Turbine) forgot to check if it was even possible to obtain such an item from Sharn Syndicate and now just bundled it all together. Because Turbine will NOT undo it for me either.

    I know how I'd rather see it being worked out. Left alone entirely.

    If there was an easy way to solve this through retroactive changes, I don't mind seeing it. But there isn't one that doesn't involve the possibility of making the script so complex that there's going to be errors in it, or so lax that it hits everything. And so I'd rather Turbine doesn't do anything about it.

    Although in the off chance they do and they screw it up, I'll have a VERY nice piece that I'm writing right now about the capabilities of Turbine that will be sent to some appropriate people to review.

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  9. #129
    Community Member Ryiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J1NG View Post
    I know how I'd rather see it being worked out. Left alone entirely.
    Definitely. Only in my case more because I've been farming the chain. I would hate to go to all the work of farming a quest line that I am thoroughly bored of just to have the items that dropped retroactively changed.
    Ryiah | Raeyah | Reikara
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  10. #130
    Hero OpallNotten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somenewnoob View Post
    I support this idea just because I enjoy forum rage.
    I support this too!

    I don't play anymore but I check the forums once a week. I would LOVE to see Forum Rage
    Just like the old days......
    What happened to the Forums
    Now everyone is nice and polite....

    Bring back the Hate I LOVE sooooo much

  11. #131
    Community Member SilkofDrasnia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    Yes, you are whining about an easy button.

    No not at all, maybe use your Mind or is it still missing?

    Anyways to those that whine about those that whine about something which does not exist.... you know what they say...
    Last edited by SilkofDrasnia; 02-14-2012 at 12:25 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    Insulting the development team is not allowed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jendrak
    Somebody should definitely explain to Turbine that when they roll up a new GM that INT is not dump stat.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rumbaar View Post
    They have to retroactively alter the current rings, but I guess the nature of the reward and type of item they can't. ie no unique internal ID number.
    They could just run a simple query. E.g. instead of 'WHERE ITEM.ID = 8272FAA12' just

    If they wanted to, that is. Probably they won't care there's lots of nice low level named gear that is easily accessible for anyone in the game nowadays.
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  13. #133
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanteEnFuego View Post
    I can't believe I had to get this far down the thread to see this mentioned. The +6 is nice, but dang they break easily. I say WAI. Lots of runs to pull my rings...
    Oh, yes. My TR is using a Madness reward ring, CON +5 of Light Fortification. She did Gwylan's Stand elite twice. First time I hit rust monsters in the cave with the bow. Second time I made a mistake of meleeing them. Oops. Had to do the rest of Gwylan's Stand with no CON item.

    First thing I did after that quest was put Binding Ritual onto the ring, and few days later Adamantine Ritual.
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  14. #134
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    BTW, what IS the new ML on Reign of Madness rings?
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  15. #135
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    I have ran that chain probably 50 times and had no idea about the ring issue until earlier this week. I only ever ran it for the named items. In a lvl 17 end reward list, a +4 ring is junk loot to sell for vendor trash.

    Only recently did I start seeing LFMs up for running the chain for end reward purposes. And on casual. You can do the whole chain within an hour.

    Now that I know that it is in fact a bug and isn't working as intended, I will NOT be hunting rings.

    It's an obvious bug that needs to fixed.

    Next thing you know everyone is going to be crying that Korthos is too easy.................
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  16. #136
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOOON375 View Post
    Next thing you know everyone is going to be crying that Korthos is too easy.................
    How many hit points does a level 1 start with? 25 or 30? Extra 3 hp for CON +6 won't make much difference. Although I think my CON +5 of Light Fort was actually more useful at low levels.

    Not that I claim it is not a bug.
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  17. #137
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    I don't much care about most of the boosts that a +6 no-ML ring could give, but I would dearly love to have 25% or 30% striding on a no-ML ring. Most of the other effects just let you kill things faster or survive more and I'm already fine on both of those fronts at low levels, but striding would make life much more pleasant for any characters that can't cast Expeditious Retreat.

  18. #138
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HungarianRhapsody View Post
    I don't much care about most of the boosts that a +6 no-ML ring could give, but I would dearly love to have 25% or 30% striding on a no-ML ring. Most of the other effects just let you kill things faster or survive more and I'm already fine on both of those fronts at low levels, but striding would make life much more pleasant for any characters that can't cast Expeditious Retreat.
    That's why you should always make sure to get Phiarlian's Pendant of Time before TR-ing.
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  19. #139
    The Hatchery karsion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    That's why you should always make sure to get Phiarlian's Pendant of Time before TR-ing.
    Is it just my imagination or is that only usable in town? Helps a little but no comparison to striding.

  20. #140
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karsion View Post
    Is it just my imagination or is that only usable in town? Helps a little but no comparison to striding.
    Correct. For low-level quests I got several 3/rest Expeditious Retreat clickies. Got rid of them by level 5 or 6.
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

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