All I read now is if you don't have 100+ ac or 200% healing amp or 1khp your a terrible tank. Sure we've gone through phases here in DDO where DR and Intimidate were king, Barbs could tank favored souls could tank and what have you and even when Warforged were great tanks.

Sadly now if you even mention a Warforged tank the first thing you get from the "experts" is you are gimp and your doing it wrong etc etc. What I propose and I'm sure there will be opposition is to put in Repair Amplification for Warforged. Perhaps this can fit into the new Enhancement System 3.0 perhaps even sooner but I think it would help anyone who actually enjoys Warforged come back into play as competitive tanks.

While I'm on the subject I think other races need looked at for reasons they can tank as well. I'm not saying that every race should get Healing amp like humans but perhaps they should be given something that makes them more competitive in this human/half-elf tank world perhaps DR or miss chance or something to make them viable. After all next to the combat one of the best things in this game is the ability to make new and unique builds.

Repair amp was actually mentioned by Eladrin awhile back in this quote and I hope some work or thought was put into making this happen.

Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
Wholeness of Body and Lay on Hands, when used on a Warforged, would use Repair Amplification instead of Positive Energy Healing Amplification. (Hmm, we could use some Repair Amplification, huh?)