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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Weapon Dots WAI?

    Got myself an epic elemental bow of earth on live the other day and I have been noticing that the greater acid arrow only shows damage when im not actively shooting the target.

    It appears that the re-application of the dot every hit, prevents it from actually performing any additional damage unless you stop attacking (or change targets).

    Now with the new items having similar dot effects (godly wrath) if this is not working as intended perhaps it needs addressing before you push out more items with like affects for them only to be ignored from a DPS standpoint.
    1) "Quijenoth" Main Arcane Caster, 2life PM, 3life BrdTR, 4life FvS.
    2) "Vallaes" Melee Tank build, 2nd life Barbarian.
    3) "Elvraema" Experiments, 1-Mnk6/FvS14 Solo build. 2-"Dronker"

  2. #2
    Community Member Ninety's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quijenoth View Post
    Got myself an epic elemental bow of earth on live the other day and I have been noticing that the greater acid arrow only shows damage when im not actively shooting the target.

    It appears that the re-application of the dot every hit, prevents it from actually performing any additional damage unless you stop attacking (or change targets).

    Now with the new items having similar dot effects (godly wrath) if this is not working as intended perhaps it needs addressing before you push out more items with like affects for them only to be ignored from a DPS standpoint.

    Greater Acid Arrow

    Found on: Elemental Longbow of Earth (L16 & 20, all tiers)

    Effect: This weapon is sheathed in corrosive acid. A successful hit douses the target in acid causing an additional 2d4 damage every 2 seconds for 36 seconds. Multiple hits do not cause more damage but do extend the duration.

    The acid arrow spell or effect doesn't stack. godly wrath does. the melee weapons that do have DoTs that stack are WAI on live.

  3. #3
    Community Member dotHackSign's Avatar
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    I believe he is saying that if he continues to shoot the target the extra 2d4 damage never procs. This would probably mean the timer is reset for every hit and if the hits come faster than every 2 seconds then the first 2 second duration is never satisfied and the the damage doesn't proc... until he stops shooting of course.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dotHackSign View Post
    I believe he is saying that if he continues to shoot the target the extra 2d4 damage never procs. This would probably mean the timer is reset for every hit and if the hits come faster than every 2 seconds then the first 2 second duration is never satisfied and the the damage doesn't proc... until he stops shooting of course.
    Right. That's the general mechanic for the acid arrow effects.
    Ideally, at least for weapon procs, it would follow the same mechanic as the Ravager's Cut (sans its drawbacks).

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by dotHackSign View Post
    I believe he is saying that if he continues to shoot the target the extra 2d4 damage never procs. This would probably mean the timer is reset for every hit and if the hits come faster than every 2 seconds then the first 2 second duration is never satisfied and the the damage doesn't proc... until he stops shooting of course.
    Yup thats what I am saying.

    My concern is for things like godly wrath and deadly spider venom which, if you constantly attack, will never go off, thus never increase in damage (godly wrath) and will never do the final con damage (deadly spider venom). deadly isnt so much of a problem because its on a confirmed 20 but even they have a habit of turning up in rapid succession.

    For these sorts of things to work on procs for every attack they need to either add in an immediate proc damage on hit to the effect (like burst damage) or make the dots extend the duration instead of resetting it.
    1) "Quijenoth" Main Arcane Caster, 2life PM, 3life BrdTR, 4life FvS.
    2) "Vallaes" Melee Tank build, 2nd life Barbarian.
    3) "Elvraema" Experiments, 1-Mnk6/FvS14 Solo build. 2-"Dronker"

  6. #6
    Community Member dotHackSign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quijenoth View Post
    Yup thats what I am saying.

    My concern is for things like godly wrath and deadly spider venom which, if you constantly attack, will never go off, thus never increase in damage (godly wrath) and will never do the final con damage (deadly spider venom). deadly isnt so much of a problem because its on a confirmed 20 but even they have a habit of turning up in rapid succession.

    For these sorts of things to work on procs for every attack they need to either add in an immediate proc damage on hit to the effect (like burst damage) or make the dots extend the duration instead of resetting it.
    This is a kinda tricky thing. If they add burst dmg a toon with rapid hits will just get rapid bursts until he stops hitting, then the DOT will start. If they add, then the duration of the dot could get out of hand. What they could do would be to have a timer and a flag. First proc sets the flag and starts the timer every all successive hit would restart the "timer" and reset the flag if they dont' wanna another "if". While the flag is set, every 2 seconds that pass on the game clock it would proc the dot. Once the timer ran out it would unset the flag and turn off the dot.
    So basically you have a dot timer, a dot flag and then the game clock.
    All Your Base Are Belong To US - Cannith

  7. #7
    Community Member Ganolyn's Avatar
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    What I've noticed with the Tortured Livewood Bow that has acid arrow as well is that more hits do not extend the duration. You get the acid damage for the new hit, but the DOT never gets any longer because of it. You will get six ticks and when that is over the DOT will start over if you are still firing at that point. I haven't used it in a long time, but that is what I noticed about a year ago.
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  8. #8
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    well if hitting the monster is canceling it out by a reset then the spell should be made to run it's course then pick back up with another hit. Wouldn't hurt anything as it's not stacking to begin with. I'd just be doing it's regular thing.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeruell View Post
    Right. That's the general mechanic for the acid arrow effects.
    Ideally, at least for weapon procs, it would follow the same mechanic as the Ravager's Cut (sans its drawbacks).
    Ravager's cut does 2d6 on every hit as soon as the hit lands, if you stop hitting the dot will continue for a bit. So not really a drawback there.

  10. #10
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    This is working like all dots work on DDO. Ravager's cut, etc etc.

    If the effect allows stacking, you'll see your newly applied dot, and the old dot proc, otherwise you'll never see the "tick" since it'll be reapplied (and thus proc) with your next hit, which happens a lot faster than 2 seconds.

    Most dot effects do not stack.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by FastTaco View Post
    Ravager's cut does 2d6 on every hit as soon as the hit lands, if you stop hitting the dot will continue for a bit. So not really a drawback there.
    I was referring to its limitations with respect to its bleeding-typed effect and the weaponry it will (not) function with.

    The immediate-damage-on-proc is the attractive bit that I think should be applied to Acid Arrow effects.
    Last edited by Zeruell; 02-17-2012 at 12:31 PM.

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