None. Gianthold favor allows you to get 2 blood of dragons, i.e. a free swap for all your spells.
None. Gianthold favor allows you to get 2 blood of dragons, i.e. a free swap for all your spells.
Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
Ekkehart (human PM) - Hammet (WF AM) - Cerussite (helf THF kensei) - Anordineth (helf dark monk)
Buy my stuff!
I see this a lot and dont agree. Only the water savant should really want htis set for the set bonus. Other savants don't get anything out of it as their caster level already exceedts the max level. Earth savants even more so. Sure an off splash gives polar ray a bit of a boost but in no way is a must have outside of water savant.
If you're maintaining an elite streak, Maximize is way more desired than Empower.
Mental Toughness' level progression is 10 SP at first level and +5 per level after. Because of that it doesn't warrant a feat slot at first level. You get way more mana from a guild slot item which isn't part of your gear list.
There's no reason to take Toughness that early either. The only place where you may want it is the VON3 elite final fight (electric trap), but there are other ways to mitigate it (Protection from Energy, 33% Electric Absorb crafted item).
Level 1 - Maximize
Level 3 - Past Life: Arcane Initiate
Level 6 - Empower
Level 9 - Toughness
Level 12 - Heighten
Level 15 - Spell Focus
Level 18 - Greater Spell Focus
If you're playing a Human, then shift them all down and append Spell Penetration (or something else relevant) to that list. Alternatively, if Past Life: Arcane Prodigy is available then I would shift Empower down to level 1 and take that at level 6 mostly for the 10 SP-free spells.
Missing from your gear list:
Arcane Shard (ML6). It's Efficient Metamagic - Maximize II.
Infused Chaos Robe/Docent (ML14). The Lesser Evocation Augmentaion IX is fantastic for leveling.
Dimension Door is noticeably lacking from this list of "must haves". I wouldn't waste a spell slot on Stoneskin while leveling when you can buy wands, at least before you have both Dimension Door and Wall of Fire/Acid Rain/Ice Storm. If Warforged, I'd take Repair Critical Damage before Stoneskin.Spell Selection
Must-haves for levelling
1. Buff/support spells
Level 1: Nightshield, Jump, Expeditious Retreat
Level 2: Resist Energy, Web, Blur (can use wands), Invisibility (can use wands/scrolls)
Level 3: Haste, Rage, Displacement (at later levels when they last for more than a couple blinks of the eye)
Level 4: Stoneskin
Level 5: Protection from Elements
Level 6: Reconstruct (for warforged only), Greater Heroism (can use scrolls)
Level 7: Otto's Sphere of Dancing (even if you have crappy enchantment DCs)
Level 8: Otto's Irresistible Dance, Symbol of Death
Level 9: Wail of the Banshee, Energy Drain
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
True, but I don't want to make the assumption that everyone has access to guild slots. This concern about Mental Toughness was also pointed out earlier, hence appending the "or some feat of your choice" clause.
My thinking gose like this: especially for toons without twink gear, any help with capacity on the low levels would be good -- or at least better than taking something that will be used only once in a blue moon (too small SP pool for emp/max, monsters have bad saves, aversion to melee type casters lol).
I have to disagree with this, in connection to my reply about improving capacity. By level 3, Racial Toughness I would be available (+10 HP), and by level 6 Racial Toughness II can also be taken (+20 HP net). This is a big HP boost considering that the value you can get from the enhancements is equal to the best false life item you can get at these levels.
Now why don't we pull Toughness down to level 6 and pull up the other feats instead? I wanted to delay empower and maximize as much as possible due to the the following:
1) maximize/empower can't be sustained by the typical level 4 and down sorc SP pool
2) around these levels monsters have very low HP compared to the damage of each clickied spell cast, on top of that level 1-2 spells are highly spammable
3) for those few instances beyond level 3 where you really feel the need to use metamagics, one of the two will suffice.
Noted, thanks.
About stoneskin, considering how often it will be used I suggest to put it on a spell slot instead of wanding it. I personally don't carry Dimension Door on my sorc due to the scarcity of spell slots, although I agree that Dimension Door is useful especially for solo leveling. Will edit that part. Also, I did forget to mention repairs.
Thank you for the input.
Last edited by Isharah; 03-22-2012 at 05:58 AM.
This is a great thread +1 to the OP![]()
A wise man once said that if you don't know the answer to something there is no shame in simply saying "I don't know."
For people using this thread as a reference, please note that information here would potentially be obsolete once Menace of the Underdark (expansion pack) is released.
Isharah(water savant) | Moooo I'm a Turtle(turtle tank) | Darlene(typical healer wannabe)