A list-type guide for your mainstream sorcerer. IP. Input welcome especially regarding WF sorc builds. Thanks all.
NOTE: Potentially obsolete by release of Menace of the Underdark.
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Build Information
Savant and Spell Selection
Key Gear and Helpful Links
Race Selection
Recommended for first-time casters: Human or Warforged
1. Warforged - can repair self all throughout, high potential HP, has inherent racial immunities
2. Half-elf - can scroll-heal self at end-game, moderate potential HP, has access to healing amp enhancements, possible early access to cures from selected dilettante
3. Human - can scroll-heal self at end-game, moderate potential HP, has access to healing amp enhancements
3. Drow - can scroll-heal self at end-game, lowest potential HP among the three
1. Drow - highest attainable Charisma in the game with +3 tome
2. Human - highest attainable Charisma in the game with +4 tome, extra feat usable for secondary spell focus
3. Half-elf - highest attainable Charisma in the game with +4 tome
3. Warforged - lowest attainable Charisma in the game
1. Human - extra feat
2. Half-elf - dilettante availability
3. Warforged
4. Drow
Half-elf Dilettante
1. Paladin - up to +5 bonus to saves (dependent on Charisma score)
2. Barbarian - up to +20 bonus to HP and access to +1 Constitution (class enhancement so this stacks with human adaptability)
3. Cleric - early access to cure and raise dead scrolls [prerequisite note: 13 Wisdom at character creation]
4. Monk - up to +20% Improved Recovery (healing amplification) [prerequisite note: 13 Wisdom at character creation]
Not very important.
Neutral, to be able to use Stability items.
Chaotic Neutral, for less damage from monsters.
Good alignments.Skills
- UMD (for Human and Drow) - allows self-healing at later levels
- Concentration - allows you to cast while taking damage
In case you have extra skill points
- Balance - survivability
- Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate - for role-specific builds
- Haggle - utility
- Jump
Ability Increases
All in Charisma.Feats
Fleshie Nuker
Level 1 - Toughness/Mental Toughness or some feat of your choice (human)*
Level 3 - Empower
Level 6 - Maximize
Level 9 - Spell Focus: Evocation/Conjuration (check your savant requirements)
Level 12 - Greater Spell Focus: Evocation/Conjuration
Level 15 - Heighten Spell
Level 18 - Spell Penetration
Fleshie Nuker with Cross-school Specialization
Level 1 - Toughness/Mental Toughness or some feat of your choice (human)*
Level 3 - Empower
Level 6 - Maximize
Level 9 - Spell Focus: Evocation/Conjuration (check your savant requirements)
Level 12 - Spell Focus: *your choice of school*
Level 15 - Heighten Spell
Level 18 - Spell Penetration
Standard warforged
Level 1 - Toughness
Level 3 - Mental Toughness or some feat of your choice*
Level 6 - Maximize
Level 9 - Empower
Level 12 - Spell Focus: Evocation/Conjuration (check your savant requirements)
Level 15 - Heighten Spell
Level 18 - Spell Penetration
Advanced Build: 40 UB DC Necromancer Sorc
[suggested prerequisite: at least 2 wizard and 1 sorcerer past life, arcane augmentation item, HP green steel, +3 Cha tome for 40 DC]
Level 1 - Empower/Mental Toughness or some feat of your choice (human)*
Level 3 - Past Life: Arcane Initiate (active wizard)
Level 6 - Maximize
Level 9 - Spell Focus: Necromancy
Level 12 - Spell Focus: Evocation/Conjuration or Past Life: Arcane Prodigy (active sorcerer), check your savant requirements
Level 15 - Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
Level 18 - Heighten
Advanced Build: 41 UB DC Enchanter Sorc
[suggested prerequisite: human, at least 2 wizard and 1 bard past life, arcane augmentation item, HP green steel, +4 Cha tome for 41 DC]
Level 1 - Empower/Spell Focus: Enchantment
Level 3 - Past Life: Arcane Initiate (active wizard)
Level 6 - Maximize
Level 9 - Past Life: Musical Prodigy (active bard)
Level 12 - Spell Focus: Evocation/Conjuration or Past Life: Arcane Prodigy (active sorcerer), check your savant requirements
Level 15 - Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment
Level 18 - Heighten
* Switch out for one of the following later in the game:
- Spell Focus: *your choice of school* (improve spell DCs)
- Greater Spell Penetration (if your gamestyle calls for heavy use of such spells)
- Past Life: *your choice* (active Wizard past life is a must if you have access to it)
- Quicken (usually recommended for Warforged)
- Skill Focus: UMD (as needed, if self-sufficiency is prioritized)
Some notes
- The active sorcerer past life is useful for leveling up (equivalent of Mental Toughness plus 10 charges elemental bolt) - it's a good feat to place in that extra slot.
- If you have a wizard past life and want more feats, you can opt to swap out your secondary Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Toughness, or Spell Penetration for it. Just make sure that you can still reach at least 300 HP unbuffed via items before you swap out Toughness.
- Advanced builds not recommended for toons not meeting the listed prerequisites.Enhancements
- Sorcerer *element* Manipulation VII (on savant element)
- Sorcerer Deadly *element* VI (on savant element)
- Sorcerer *element* Spellcasting VI (on savant element)
- Improved Empower II or Improved Maximize II (savant prereq)
- Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II (savant prereq)
- Human Adaptability Charisma (for human only)
- Sorcerer Charisma III (or II, whichever leads to even Charisma)
- Racial Toughness II [not a requirement for advanced builds since they have no space for the toughness feat]
Tweaking (where your other AP might go)
- Sorcerer *element* Manipulation (on some secondary/tertiary element)
- Sorcerer Deadly *element* (on some secondary/tertiary element)
- Sorcerer *element* Spellcasting (on some secondary/tertiary element)
- Sorcerer Spell Penetration II
- Sorcerer Scroll and Wand Mastery III
- Human Improved Recovery II
- Human Adaptability Constitution
- Racial Toughness III
- Dilettante enhancements