What is the 1000 hp based on? Answer is Strength or the feat the makes Dex use Dex instead of Str. Or am I wrong, if I am wrong then what is it based on. Even if I am wrong then what I say now still apllies to some ability other than Str or Dex, But I am going to use these two abilities as examples:
For example: A 8 str halfling should kill anything with less than 1000hp/ not undead and does not have Deathward on it.
But to be more realistic a level so and so Barbarian with a Strength of 70 should be able to Vorpal a monster with more than 1000 hp just because his or her Strength is so high and so on.
The Vorpal needs to be re-examined based on Strength of a Character. The higher the threshold of 20 Strength is a good start,( Just and Idea, hear me out) It adds .005 percent per ability point above 20 Str or Dex (Dex if the feat). So a 70 str charcter would add 50 points of Str chance beyond the current roll of 20 to make it a roll of 17.5 to Vorpal or an 18 since 17.5 is impossible. This is the math of it. this is just my thoughts. Thank you.
Edit note: I was wrong on my math, I change the .015 to .005