Wasn't there some sort of sports type thing over the weekend?
Wasn't there some sort of sports type thing over the weekend?
Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, RunezephyrAnd the forgotten: Runeaura, Runedevourer, Herstinkie, Runewolf,Caught somewhere between casual player and power gamer.
My regional sports team is the Canterbury Crusaders, the best regional Rugby side in the world, it would beat
most country sides, and has in the past (it would crush the USA rugby team).
Really odd that Maj Mal hasn't bothered making any mention of said sporting event. Huh. What's that about?
Akrites: 10 Wiz (TRed Bard), Oakianus: 20 Wiz and Odanta: 20 Monk. All on Khyber, because I love drama.
Too bad the dang reds took the title last year, and the way the aussies still go on about it, you would think they won the super 15, tri-nations *and* the world cup.
I think a lot of the *minnow* nations are improving, look at what italy did to france in the 6 nations last year, Samoa did to australia, they only lost to wales by 7 and South africa by 8 and I think those games could of gone either way. And Tonga worked over France who made it all the way to the final.
If the americans took up rugby more seriously I wouldnt be so confident about canterbury crushing the U.S.A eagles in the future. Its a real fringe sport over there, 99.9% of americans don't even know what it is.
Anyway the super 15 will be interesting this year, I think the blues and the cheifs got stronger, wellington looks to have lost a lot, and the crusaders I would put them at favourites with the reds second to take it, but yeah anything could happen, could even be a south african team, a lot of new talent emerging for some teams, players most outside of their provinces have never heard about.
Unfortunely, they lost their home ground last year and had to cope with excessive travel, but they were still
in the comp. at season end.
If they are allowed to run their typical 7 to 10 All Blacks they will always put other sides under pressure.