All this will do is gut many raids of players interested in running them. My cleric already has a full head of +3 tomes and all the item loot from hox, vod, reavers so as long as tomes remain btc that is one less healer interested in running those ever again. Tome are what kept many people running these otherwise completely played out raids.
Which is the opposing argument to BTA raid-loot tomes. With them being BtC and preserved through TR's, it will greatly cut down on the hoarding of +3s and +4s that currently happens. A few months down the road, a large amount of players will have their +3s and +4s used already so there will be far more +3s and +4s put up for roll. But if Tomes are made BtA, the hoarding will continue because people will just end up looting +3s and +4s to use on their other toons, and it might also cause the activity in raids to drop drastically because all the people with bunches of +3s on the wrong toons would suddenly have no reason to run those raids anymore. That said, tomes obtained from sources other than Warded Chests should become BtA instead of BtC.
To simplify, bound tomes that are pulled out of raids should remain BtC to encourage rolling them off. BtC tomes that are obtained as end rewards or 20th rewards should be BtA, as they would be infinitely more useful in that case. Tomes from the 1750 favor reward should also be BtA.
Last edited by djl; 02-07-2012 at 04:03 PM.
If tomes are BTA, people are more likely to bring their best toons if all they need are tomes...or all their toons, if it's not a difficult raid.
That said, I think we should see +2 tomes never be bound, and the eventual moving away from bound +3 tomes...+4 tomes should stay bound, as should +5 tomes when they're released.
Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)
And for all those that say why bother running the raid if u dont need a tome is GUILD RENOWN
I was under the impression that any tome would be retained, as long as you TRed after U13 went live, but, to be fair they did not explicitly spell that out.
I got the general consensus that all tomes would be behaving the same way in the end of things. However, with anything like this, I am never one to jump the gun before the show started you know. IE: I am keeping all my tomes in the bank till after U13 and not TRing till then.
Here is the whole topic: Link Provided
Feel free to read his response in context talking to another poster.
He may as well said "Not gonna happen"While that is hardly positive he certainly didn't give any absolute no
But feel free to cling to any hope you want, as it stands, it is clear that making changes is not easy, nor is it welcome by the Devs.
This topic has been discussed before, and for the life of me, I can't understand why it is even being brought up. As opposed to be thankful for this change, people are making a fuss about it? Really? Really?
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