BTW... Guen and Sissy are both awesome....
.: Reaper :.
Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank
...When Sergod has tried to get you account info!
{Roving Guns Guild Leader} Main : *Dmgpersec* Alts : (Blackmagik)-(Eyesaveu)-(Guru)-(Lightseeker) + More
When your hanging out with Slarden and he gets mistaken for me, yet again.
The Patron Saint of Patience on Sarlona Server
Toons: Ormadil The Red, Aesanon The Orange, Aedanon The Gray, Faithwarden, Aelanon The Blue
... when you join the group to hear Tarnesh singing "Ali the Alligator" theme song.
Last edited by UrbanPyro; 04-01-2014 at 01:29 PM.
who am I kidding I know nothing about people on Sarlona.
...When you blame zen for all your raid failures.
...when you run with Gimps guild.
...when you squelched Malone more than once for varied reasons.
...when HoX you're tanking gets screwed over by little beholder regardless of doing H method or O method.
...when few members of elite VoD pug die on way to quest, and other few kill the rangers before opening the gate.
...when you put up lfm for drunkies, gimpies and morons and you're actually getting a bunch of sober good players hitting it.
..when you are too desperate to start anew on better server.
when ppl turn left after they kill the 1st portal in shroud.
Edol Runner(Lv20 Brd), Haggleftw Profiteer(Lv20 Bbn), Revaillukh The Gold(Lv20 FvS), Quantam Entropy
when a guy put up an lfm but then found himself not allowed to type either 'demon queen' or 'wizking' in Chinese(Pinyin)
Last edited by maqiaoer; 05-17-2012 at 11:24 AM.
Edol Runner(Lv20 Brd), Haggleftw Profiteer(Lv20 Bbn), Revaillukh The Gold(Lv20 FvS), Quantam Entropy