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  1. #101
    DDO Producer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragavon View Post
    While these pets in themselves are a nice touch, and does not bother me at all there is one issue that does bother me.


    And that bothers everyone, all the time.

    I wish they had beaten the lag monster before they introduce something like this. Because this will only increase server lag, increase the amount of data sent to and from players, and increase graphics lag in crowded instances.

    I think to introduce pets in the current state of the game is the wrong thing to do
    Pets are all client side, not server side. No impact. Also, completely different people working on pets and lag. That is like asking Dr. McCoy to fix the warp engines.
    LAG is being addressed every day behind the scenes. Upgrades exc, that are long overdue are all slated to be rolled out between now and the expansion.

  2. #102
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Pets are all client side, not server side. No impact. Also, completely different people working on pets and lag. That is like asking Dr. McCoy to fix the warp engines.
    LAG is being addressed every day behind the scenes. Upgrades exc, that are long overdue are all slated to be rolled out between now and the expansion.
    How dare you bring logic into a Forum rantscussion!
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
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  3. #103
    Community Member Ovrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Pets are all client side, not server side.
    Wait, does that mean that only the person that has the pet can see them? Or does it mean that the data (position, movement, etc) for pets is more lax than for players and thus is only handled client side? As in there's no server confirmation for position every seconds or so, unlike players.

  4. #104
    Community Member Bladedge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Pets are all client side, not server side. No impact. Also, completely different people working on pets and lag. That is like asking Dr. McCoy to fix the warp engines.
    LAG is being addressed every day behind the scenes. Upgrades exc, that are long overdue are all slated to be rolled out between now and the expansion.
    But Dr. McCoy preform surgery on a photon torpedo and that went well.

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ovrad View Post
    Wait, does that mean that only the person that has the pet can see them? Or does it mean that the data (position, movement, etc) for pets is more lax than for players and thus is only handled client side? As in there's no server confirmation for position every seconds or so, unlike players.
    The latter.

  6. #106
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Pets are all client side, not server side. No impact. Also, completely different people working on pets and lag. That is like asking Dr. McCoy to fix the warp engines.
    LAG is being addressed every day behind the scenes. Upgrades exc, that are long overdue are all slated to be rolled out between now and the expansion.
    Hah, gotcha!

    Now you have admitted that DDO lag is because the DDO systems on Turbine's side have needed upgrades for a long time

  7. #107
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    The latter.

    He is working on the Ladder Bug...but he spelled it "Latter".
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
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  8. #108
    Community Member SteeleTrueheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BitkaCK2 View Post

    Are they blue? Can I kill them... can I.... please can I? I would stab them and slash them and bash them and call them George. Ya gotta let me kill them, ya gotta... you just gotta. If... if you don't let me kill them they'll breed and then there'll be more so... so you gotta kill them. Can I? Please, can I?

    Um, err, sorry. Those little blue b-tards just really get under my skin and make me want to strangle small woodland creatures.

    No Svirfneblin are not blue.

    Xvarts on the other hand, are:
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  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    The latter.
    Good to know, thank you!

    I'll take three pets now:
    This one went to market, this one went to shroud, and this one went to the underdark...

  10. #110
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vengeance777 View Post
    Any chance we can get little Arraetrikos as a pet after we beat TOD?
    I think we've all said it before: If you guys sold cute mini-arretrikos and mini-beholder plushies on the store, you'd make a killing with the girls - every time a new one goes into ToD/sub they go Awwwwww! I want one!
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  11. #111
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Pets are all client side, not server side. No impact. Also, completely different people working on pets and lag. That is like asking Dr. McCoy to fix the warp engines.
    LAG is being addressed every day behind the scenes. Upgrades exc, that are long overdue are all slated to be rolled out between now and the expansion.
    I'm convinced a lot of the lag experienced by every day (ie not the technically versed) players is actually client side.

    You guys need to give a HUGE priority at fixing things like the huge memory leak that slows down the game when you keep going back and forth to the huge areas (*say GH to Orchard to Desert to Vale), in the course of many hours, will slow down even a beefy system, just as swapping characters does. The average I-have-never-read-the-forums-guy will simply say "the game is laggy!"

    Lastly, after doing more research, it SEEMS as if the bug in which if someone has bad lag, the entire group has bad lag is back. I have gathered multiple accounts of people claiming to suddenly be lag free when person X disconnected, or always having lag when person Y was in the group, with both X and Y being known for disconnects/poor connections.

    I don't have the posts pointing out to the previous fix/previous time this was fixed, but this issue DID exist at one point, and it's entirely possible it's back in some form or another.
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  12. #112
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solmage View Post
    I think we've all said it before: If you guys sold cute mini-arretrikos and mini-beholder plushies on the store, you'd make a killing with the girls - every time a new one goes into ToD/sub they go Awwwwww! I want one!

    And sadly true. I would buy a Beholder or Kobold plushie.

  13. #113



    We don't want DDO to get to .. that!

    Last edited by Symerith; 02-09-2012 at 08:32 AM.

  14. #114
    Hero arconalos's Avatar
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    Honestly Id love to have my assassin or palemaster run around with a cute white kitten. Maybe a 'very special' beholder pet to float around behind you, speaking gibberish

  15. #115
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    I don't know if this has been mentioned before,
    and not sure how hard it would be to do
    but maybe the could add a switch to
    "Toggle on/ Toggle Off" View Pets...

    That way if you don't want to have to see
    "Fluffy to cute and fuzzy bunny"
    You don't have to see "Fluffy the bunny"

    Problem solved.

    Another option would be for them to ONLY be active in Public areas
    so they wouldn't affect the active Quest areas...
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  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bekki View Post
    I don't know if this has been mentioned before,
    and not sure how hard it would be to do
    but maybe the could add a switch to
    "Toggle on/ Toggle Off" View Pets...

    That way if you don't want to have to see
    "Fluffy to cute and fuzzy bunny"
    You don't have to see "Fluffy the bunny"

    Problem solved.

    Another option would be for them to ONLY be active in Public areas
    so they wouldn't affect the active Quest areas...
    Could we have a set of radio buttons that would allow us to Specifiy:

    Man that is sick dude!

    versions of the pets? Client-side only, of course!

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    *Handwraps. Yes we know. Here is my known issue for handwraps. Hand wraps in assorted flavors are borked.

  17. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Pets are all client side, not server side. No impact. Also, completely different people working on pets and lag. That is like asking Dr. McCoy to fix the warp engines.
    LAG is being addressed every day behind the scenes. Upgrades exc, that are long overdue are all slated to be rolled out between now and the expansion.
    Ah, but McCoy did help Spock make a homing torpedo.

    This does explain the mouse over something that isn't background environment (as opposed to a map, invisible treasure listing, hot bars...) can't attack jack **** with keyboard issue that has existed for fn YEARS ever since MOD 3 that Turbine is incapable of fixing even though it massively breaks combat.

  18. #118
    Community Member Luis_Velderve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Pets are all client side, not server side.
    Can we expect customized pet skins from fans then? To Fans a Spiderman skin please!
    Last edited by Luis_Velderve; 02-09-2012 at 11:16 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by justagame View Post
    I assume you're joking.

    (But just in case you're not, posts like this don't help, don't pretend to speak for others.)

  19. #119
    Community Member bringjoy's Avatar
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    Default Don't bring cute to DDO!

    I'm still grumpy about neon hair! I love the serious "real" look of my fantasy characters in DDO

    WOW may be a great game but I'll never know because I could not get out of that rainbow world of cute fast enough.

    The fact that chainmail looks like metal and chain, not green plastic brings me joy. I don't want the streets littered with kittens and cute anything.

  20. #120
    Community Member Zadaine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vilhazarog View Post
    Ok, so maybe I'll have to endure some neg rep but please...

    When I saw the picts for the new pets I was really disturbed and I have to echo the concerns other people have voiced, I mean look at this:


    Maybe we can even get our pets voiced by John Travolta or Miley Cyrus!

    I don't care if it generates revenue, it ruins the D&D atmosphere. What's next? Pink pig tails and mini skirts? When I hear people clamor for baby unicorns I get really distressed... Really? This is what you want? Maybe DDO isn't my game anymore... *sigh*
    Mature games for mature gamers such as myself you see. If its any color other then black as my soul its too cute for me to deal with. Look at how the dog looks. Where is its brooding and angst at? I want things I can relate to like the evil cult masters because everyone knows being a good guy is for children.


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