Woo, we are merging with My little pony online.
Woo, we are merging with My little pony online.
Hello, hope all is well. And if it isn't, sorry about that.
Mixed feelings about this.
On one hand, I do not really care about these purely cosmetic pets. Especially, if they increase graphical or server lag.
On the other hand, I like cute things in moderation. Halflings are cute. Subterrane baby Beholders are cute. I try several augment slotted robes/armours before crafting on them to find one that looks nice. I collect in-game gems because they're shiny. All of these, besides the gems (discounting plat since I already have enough of that), at least do something else beside being cute, so they're functional.
I'm just hoping that the systems around these cosmetic pets are the start of a familiar and animal companion system for Wizards, Druids, and Rangers.
I want sharks with freaking laser beams!
But, seriously, I don't mind they are putting them in, I can ignore it if they are just cosmetic and not allowed in non-public areas. For me not really breaking the immersion as I don't pay much attention to what's around me in town....I'm either at a tavern refilling hp/sp, swapping gear at the bank, or browsing the ah......there's a lot worse things they could do to "ruin" DDO for me. It's all about the quests!
I'm all for things that will bring in more money. Although, I wouldn't mind the option to /turnoffpets for performance reasons. I know not everyone can run DDO without some lag issues, and these might just make it worse.
Nomuertos 20/4 Human Wizard Rendu 18 Elf Rogue Rianoc 15 Human Cleric
Vodaire 18/2/2 Elf Paladin/Fighter Xr-73 12 WF Artificer XR-72 8 Favored Soul
Tahren 19 Drow Sorcerer Life 2 of ?
Dear Turbine,
A. Warforged are ugly.
B. Wolf pet is too cute.
C. Half-elves are derp.
D. Female armors show too much skin.
E. Lloth does not look hot enough.
Please give me an option to turn them off so I don't have to see them.
Greatly Appreciated.
There is a miscommunication between Players voices and Developer's ears.
Cosmetic pets is a WOW thing, DDO seems to be just getting their feet wet and are still years behind when it comes to gamer desired Cosmetics.
Rangers asked for companions, it was passed over, seemingly deemed to be more trouble than its worth...
-I could see this since the cost and time invested didn't seem justified..
Artificers show up with pet sidekicks and the Rangers( the ones that were still around and didnt re-roll or TR after the whole nerf to the class) were excited, If Arties got pets then given time they would be able to get their wolf,panther,spider...whatever sidekick... Instead they will see cosmetic cutie pets.. keep fingers crossed maybe in time the real companion will become available...
Many have asked for the ability to tweak current characters without having to TR to change hair styles, looks, armour colours.. Changes to the Stores and AH so you can actually preview item appearance..
a Cosmetic shop where you can spend hours creating that perfect custom look regardless of the armour, Shield or Weapon you are actually wearing. Who would spend more money than those that spend hours in a boutique customizing every aspect of their outfits.
A place where you can zoom in and rotate views, not some crappy blurry mirror in the back of a dirty weapons shop. The ability to select a base look, patterns, colours, over/underlays, crests.
Things like Pink Armour with a Red Rose Crest, Black Armour with a flaming skull, or whatever...
These would become actual permanent changes to the item, which could then be given, sold, AH..
If you build it they will come.
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
its a precursor to familiars and animal companions, and when every arcane, ranger and druid is getting a pet in the long run you just know others are gona want one too. There obviously testing out the code, lag effects etc with cosmetics first.
reminds me of a character i made in pen and paper, called him 'Old man Moris' He was an old man, a farmer and layabout, lvl 1 rogue with handle animal skill (shifty bugger)equipment wise he had peasnat clothes, a quarter staff and 3 trained dogs. I was ofcourse trying to make a gimpy role play character as is my want.....
Who knew wardogs were about the equivalent of lvl 3 fighters?![]()
Ex Euro player from devourer: Charaters on orien(Officer of Under Estimated & Nightfox): Wrothgar, Cobolt, Shadeweaver, TheMetal, Metaphysical, Allfred, Razortusk and many more.
stuff by me: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...02#post4938302
stick a bit of blood round the muzzle. problem solved.
Please what you should really not be looking forward to is the copius amounts of excrement that is going to be produced by these pets. Arties got it right in they have mechanical pets which dont require feeding or walking or love really.
If I learned anything from living in NYC its that no one cleans up after their pets unless someone is watching them especially the police. Hopefully we can fine them the $1000 fine for failure to clean up after your pets that has existed in New York for close to 30 years now.
DDO never has been serious. Humorous Kobolds and puns all over the place. But it always has been simple in its layout. As long as there is no grim'n gritty style pets won't disturb anybody.
Rather than fearing cutification by pets go and complain about stupid rednosed Ice Wolves on christmas time or pumpkin Beholders/grenades, Kormor's Belt etc.
Characters on Orien:
Wanzer/ Klingtanz/ Incanta Superior/ Mercantus
I'm not angry, just disappointed. As someone said, one of the the draws of this MMO to me was "Beholders, not Broccoli."
Your right, my definition of content doesn't equal everyone's definition. My definition is more quests, more story, more raids.
And maybe serious MMOs aren't profitable. So I'm glad the devs will keep their jobs and people can have their cutsie stuff just like in every other MMO.
I'll go back to Skyrim for now, and maybe I'll give Guild Wars 2 a try when its released, I never played the first one but people seem excited about it, and I don't see any baby unicorns on the website.
I can't say I haven't gotten my money's worth from DDO, I have, so I'm not angry or bitter, just disappointed the turn the game has taken. Kinda like when your favorite band goes pop and starts sounding like every other band on the radio, it's a bummer, but you know, good for them, at least they are making a living at music.
We've already got pink pig tails and mini-skirts.
Look, you're over reacting. We've seen THREE of the pets: two cuddly and one creepy. They'll no doubt make some of each version to try to appeal to everyone.
But unless you hang out in public instances fraternizing with other players, you won't be subjected to these much.
I'm really torn on this one. On the one hand, I view it as time wasted on completely useless **** instead of new content, fixing the hugely long "known issues" list and the even longer list of bugs that we have reported but they aren't yet officially acknowledging exist as problems. I also view it as the original poster said, of making things "cute" instead of keeping the existing feel of DDO. It makes me expect to see a race of cat-people or panda-people as playable races to bring in more players who might otherwise skip DDO (anime fans, furry fans, female players, younger audience, etc).
On the other hand, having more players would help everyone in the long run, and I suspect that this is what they hope the effect of such changes would be.
Hello, hope all is well. And if it isn't, sorry about that.
You guys have this thing all wrong..
Let me clear this up.
We WANT these cute cuddly wuddly guys in game. In dungeons, even!!
How else are we going to be able to push the cute wittle bunny into the spinning traps?
Come on, don't think of them as pets. Think of them more as expendable trap finders!
<-Curelite Bottling Company->
Originally Posted by Chilldude
You clearly have other issues in this game then 3 pets on a test server. Otherwise, quitting makes no sense to me. Each their own. I don't invalidate a game I like simply simply because one feature (pending at that) that doesn't affect gameplay isn't my cup of tea. Otherwise, I'm sure every game would tick me off.
Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?