Perhaps this thread will get more attention.
This is the original ad from Turbines Free to play move. Basically, it was a big question: "Do you wanna play DDO ou those silly and childish oriental MMOs"
So, are we still a mature game? Violence, alcohol and stuff?
Because baby pet totally says otherwise.
Cmom devs, Brocolli or Beholder?
Check out my Cannith trade list:
As long as there is also really truly creepy pets too it's all gravy!
You dont want to see my Horc Barbarian walking around in her brown leather Lingerie either?
anyway my horc toons will be happy their will be extra snacks walking around, they where getting tired of a diet of just halflings. Plus when we get to take them into quests can we duel weild the pets or use em as ammo?
I can see no reason why wiz can't have their familiar, and rangers/druids have no animal companions, and pally/halfling got no mounts
the only concern is how they look, which is clearly what the devs are testing atm...
and frankly, how fiercesome do u want a lvl 1 winter wolf look?
Master of the Tower
This. They can either start selling +10 tomes of every item, Shards of Power, FRDS, epic scrolls, shards and seals and LDS, or they can sell cosmetics. I willingly buy cosmetics, like the ones in the pictures, to support turbine and cause they're cool. And will quit the game if they keep up with the Pay2Win model. So I pick cosmetics every time
Make Kormors Belt / stone skin work on them and i'm fine with any pets that might roam the marketplace.
Of course.
And let the rage spell force them to fight each other.
show me a ranger with a squirrel pet thats NOT cute plz?
bloodraging squirrel? meh
or miniature giant hamsters ... some things are just cute, nothing to do about it![]()
R.I.P. Devourer - 20-Aug-2010 11:00 GMT(+1 DST)
(World Broadcast): World broadcast: 'Farewell to all our loyal players and thank you for your time in Eberron. We wish you all the best for your future adventures. Please log out now as the servers are now going down. Many thanks, Codemasters Online.'
***Ghallanda Rerolled*** *Yvonnel-1* "Peinlicher" Sylestria-1 Jarlaxle-1 Sammaster-1 Zapp-1
formerly Dorn / Devourer - EU
Next move?
/Sarcasm off
Contrary to all the community I will like to see all those pets running around but with the possibility to see them fight each other!!! I want blood!!! Let us bet on the fights!!!
/Rage sarcasm off
Ok I'm calm ow, I have taken my medicine...
Do what I say, don't do what I do! broken atm... and
Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?
The only thing I ever hear anyone remember about SWG is the great housing and crafting system. Well, only thing besides "OMG, they screwed the pooch with that update," of course.
And that's all fluff.
Fluff sells hugely in LotRO. People buy or grind out dozens of horse even though they are all functionally the same. There's all kinds of cosmetic gear, housing items, and the like. It doesn't make the game immature.
And everyone's taste is different. I have strange things from Forochel in my yard. My friend has all kinds of flowers her character got through the crafting system.
This is no different. Some people will want cute pets and others will want scary or weird ones. Seriously... this is a game where winter wolves can have antlers and red noses and you can buy pumpkin head inducing bombs. And you are afraid of cute animals amongst the pet choices?
If they are only usable in public instances i have no problem with them. However i would really like to avoid anything that has a slightest potential of causing lag in quests or raids.
I hope they are not "Just Cosmetic" pets, and will offer a bit more on the table then just being cute and fuzzy, in much the same way, (for lack of a better game to choose from) Pokiemon have special abilities and don't just attack with melee.
I put up a suggestion which I think would add a whole new dynamic to them.
Making some of them very hard to acquire "rare pets" vs "Common Pets" like WoTC Magic Cards and what have you.
Perhaps have it so they augment as they "grow up" just like Pokiemon do, (after all, we have only seen the babies) which might be indicative that they could be time sensitive, or exp sensitive or stuck in stasis. Not sure on that yet. Anything we ponder would be speculation.
Who knows. All we know at this point, is they have a stable we can fill and pets we can get.
Lets try to be happy about that.
But that's what most of the big predators look like at first. Tigers & Lions & Bears... All look cuddly-cute when they're babes. (I think BIG tigers still look cuddly.)
Let us see how high the ramp is gonna be before we start worrying about the shark underneath.
Way true. I have all sorts of fishing/taxidermy trophies in mine.![]()
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 02-07-2012 at 07:46 AM.