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  1. #1
    Community Member vilhazarog's Avatar
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    Default Please don't "cutify" DDO...

    Ok, so maybe I'll have to endure some neg rep but please...

    When I saw the picts for the new pets I was really disturbed and I have to echo the concerns other people have voiced, I mean look at this:

    I see this:

    Maybe we can even get our pets voiced by John Travolta or Miley Cyrus!

    I don't care if it generates revenue, it ruins the D&D atmosphere. What's next? Pink pig tails and mini skirts? When I hear people clamor for baby unicorns I get really distressed... Really? This is what you want? Maybe DDO isn't my game anymore... *sigh*

  2. #2
    Community Member Zonixx's Avatar
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    If you are reading this, that probably means I am broadcasting live @

  3. #3
    Community Member Grosbeak07's Avatar
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    *shrug* They won't be in Dungeons so you'll be able to happily ignore them in the public instances with 99% of what is already there.
    Magical Rings are well... magical. - Gandalf

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Default Any Chance for...

    Is there any chance you can do a cross licensing deal with WOTC and we can get Pokemon dress up kits?
    Lunality, Sorcality, Tunality, Axation, Causation, Shurality, Desparality, Stingality and a few more...

  5. #5
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    People moan and complain when the game requires store purchases to play, they scream "Pay to Win!" and whine.....and then in the next topic they tell all the new players how pointless VIP is and how everybody should go Premium and be done with it.

    In the end, Turbine needs income. It's either cosmetic stuff, which tends to be cutesy, or its game affecting stuff. Pick.

  6. #6
    Community Member Vengeance777's Avatar
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    /not signed

    Wizards and Sorcs have familiars, Rangers and Druids have animal companions, Artificers have homunculus, and parties have halfling and gnome members. Cute companions have always been a part of Dungeons and dragons.

    I see this as the first stage in the games evolution for animal companions and familiars being added so I welcome it.

    We've only seen 3 companions on live. A panther, a winter wolf, and a black spider. The spider is creepy and in no way cute. When I first saw a dev run by with it out of the corner of my eye I thought a real spider was running across my monitor and almost hit it lol. I expect a nice mix of scary and cute companions.
    Last edited by Vengeance777; 02-06-2012 at 08:12 PM.
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  7. #7
    2015 DDO Players Council InsanityIsYourFriend's Avatar
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    if we gets pets/familiars out of this then fine, but other than that make a button that 'turns off' these things so that you don't see it when your in the street if ya dun wanna
    I am Falontani, Zeblazing, Zeholysoul, Zeshadowfist, Zesoulhuntah, Zedrunk, Singingblade, and many alts
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    Thanks for the report and Whoa.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    This is talked about a ton, and nothing is concrete at this point. Enter bugs with examples. Tons and tons of bugs. Make Gazebo cry.

  8. #8
    Community Member vilhazarog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiffyspiffy View Post
    People moan and complain when the game requires store purchases to play, they scream "Pay to Win!" and whine.....and then in the next topic they tell all the new players how pointless VIP is and how everybody should go Premium and be done with it.

    In the end, Turbine needs income. It's either cosmetic stuff, which tends to be cutesy, or its game affecting stuff. Pick.
    I just want content, and I'll gladly pay for it. None of the rest of this *censored*.

    At least put a /cutestuff off? Then I'm onboard. People can walk around with their pink kitties and I don't have to see it.

  9. #9


    I'm still hoping for a blink dog, displacer beast, pseudo dragon, baby beholder, and kobold pack mule.

  10. #10
    Community Member pSINNa's Avatar
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    If these pets are cosmetic in nature only, i.e. cannot perform duties/functions in quests/raids, then i have no problem with them being in game provided we can switch them off.

    That is, i can select an option where i do not see peoples cosmetic pets.

    I have many reasons to desire this option, i'm sure you can find reasons of your own for this to be allowed.
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  11. #11
    2015 DDO Players Council InsanityIsYourFriend's Avatar
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    lag comes to mind
    I am Falontani, Zeblazing, Zeholysoul, Zeshadowfist, Zesoulhuntah, Zedrunk, Singingblade, and many alts
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    Thanks for the report and Whoa.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    This is talked about a ton, and nothing is concrete at this point. Enter bugs with examples. Tons and tons of bugs. Make Gazebo cry.

  12. #12
    Community Member Grosbeak07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsanityIsYourFriend View Post
    if we gets pets/familiars out of this then fine, but other than that make a button that 'turns off' these things so that you don't see it when your in the street if ya dun wanna
    I would like this for most of the hideously dressed players in game now.
    Magical Rings are well... magical. - Gandalf

  13. #13
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Oh, you mean this isn't a complaint about the Subterrane mini-beholders?
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  14. #14
    Community Member ThomasMink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vilhazarog View Post
    At least put a /cutestuff off? Then I'm onboard. People can walk around with their pink kitties and I don't have to see it.
    Quote Originally Posted by InsanityIsYourFriend View Post
    if we gets pets/familiars out of this then fine, but other than that make a button that 'turns off' these things so that you don't see it when your in the street if ya dun wanna
    Oh how I wished things actually worked that way! I'd probably still be playing TF2 on occasion instead of.. uhm.. not. I'm one of those who was in with a small group of players who were clamoring for an option to turn hats off so we didn't have to see whatever ugly as sin hat everyone was wearing.

    No, an option for turning this 'unimportant to the game and is actually meaningless' type of thing off will never come. You'll just have to put up with seeing all of it.. then when you say something negative about it, get told that it means nothing! Just ignore it! Awww, look at the poor bald Heavy who doesn't have a hat to cover his head! (Despite my purposely deleting/giving away every hat I ever found)
    Last edited by ThomasMink; 02-06-2012 at 08:54 PM.
    "Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase

  15. #15
    Community Member Full_Bleed's Avatar
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    Atmospherically, I'm not looking forward to DDO turning into a petting zoo.

    What's next? Feeders around town where you can drop 5TP's at a time and get a handful of munchies to feed the pets to get them to do tricks?

    Familiars are a part of D&D (albeit a very minor part), but this cosmetic pet thing seems to be jumping the shark.

  16. #16
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    I'm fine with having some cute pets as long as we have some creepy pets, some menacing pets and some absurd pets to give people a choice of what style of game they want.

    I absoultely love the artificer companion at first level. He's so TINY! After 3rd level, though, I completely lose interest in the dog except as an easy source of ransack XP.

  17. #17
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    As long as they can visually be turned off, I have no problems with them. Knowing Turbine coding though, that won't be an option, and they'll lag out public instances, bug out epic chests and make renown decay hit 4x per day. Good times ahead!
    Comfortably [d|n]umb

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  18. #18
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    always got to be someone who has 'issues' with anything that happens to this game. Maybe, DDO is not the game for you. Maybe it is. In any case it is still just a game. Try to treat it as such.

  19. #19
    Community Member FengXian's Avatar
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    We could indeed use a button to turn them off. That's the very least for people who'd like to keep some non-pokemonish atmosphere.

    Don't get me wrong I think even cosmetic pets do have potential (I would rather have just real familiars, like artificers' dogs that are already running around, but w/e). But you have to understand that in a game like this there will be a lot of people that won't like having them running around...the harbor/market can do, but imagine cute wolfies in Amrath or in Gianthold or in RR...

    A comand to make them invisible is a must IMHO.
    Cannith - Juzam, Fighter 8 Ranger 6 Monk 6 AA/ Orocarn, Wraith 12 Stalwart Defender 6 Rogue 2 / Taigongwanng, Sorc TRing - Alleanza degli Uomini Liberi/Guardiani di Eberron

  20. #20
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    Can I get a button that turns off all the other players not in my party? they don't add anything to my game except lag.

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