This is not one of those 18/2 Monk splashes. Nor is this a TR. And no, I am not quite done with gearing for AC. But still, this is not bad at all.
This is mostly buffed, and mostly geared.
Fairly respectable.
Did not have Haste on, surprisingly. So this could be a 72.
What he needs:
Dodge +3 Item (Planning L16 Cannith Challenge Bracers, Tier 3)
Dodge +2 Item (Planning on crafting this onto the aforementioned bracers)
Dodge +1 Item (Crystal Cove Trinket, when it returns)
2 more DEX AC, from not having Greater Nimbleness slotted on the Epic Cavarly Plate.
Buffs he is missing:
+1 Armor (Artificer)
+1 Weapons-Affects shields (Artificer)
+3 Additional Stance (Combat Expertise vs Defensive Fighting; as a Human 36-point build this would be my 8th feat)
Human Versatility IV (if Human 36-point build, not acquirable on an Elf)
+1 Additional Natural Armor (+6 Natural Armor is available on Epic Seal of the Earth, using +5 Natural Armor on Pirate Hat or Barkskin spell)
Other sources of AC which I would probably not take:
Dodge Feat - 1 AC
Mobility Feat - +2 MDB, resulting in 7 MDB (Current DEX can support an 8 MDB)
Fighter PL Active Feat - +1 MDB, resulting in maximum 8 MDB.
Maximum AC for pure 20 in Plate: 95.
AC as shown in image:
10 Base
16 Epic Cavalry Plate
9 Epic Swashbuckler (+7 slotted)
5 Natural Armor
5 Deflection (is Protection bonus on items)
3 Guild Ship buffs
2 Defensive Fighting
3 Dex
4 Insight (Epic Swashbuckler)
4 Bard Song
2 Recitation
6 Paladin Aura
1 Alchemical Armor Ritual
1 Alchemical Shield Ritual
71 AC