Since Paladins in DDO lack one of their strongest and most distinctive class abilities in PnP, their special mount (and those who say this isn't the case clearly hasn't met a halfling paladin riding a celestrial dragon). And while I doubt even with the Druid patch if animal companions are added that a paladin will get one for its mount, there's perhaps some hope for rangers getting the to help them out.

That being said, if paladins don't get their special mount, perhaps they should get the ACF Charging Smite instead in DDO? It'll be leaned at fifth level and go something along the lines of this; "The paladin leaps towards its target and makes a smite evil attack at the end of the charge, dealing twice the normal damage. If the paladin misses with this attack he regains one use of smite evil."

Also, perhaps some of the paladin and ranger exclusive spells from other suppliments could be added to help buff these classes? Things like Rhino Rush, Find the gab, and some of the absolutely amazing ranger archery spells could definately help those classes out.