Personally, I love the idea of pets in a game. No idea why, but just stuff like that is kinda fun. However, I can say I am not so great a fan of purely cosmetic pets. So. I was thinking, (as dangerous as that is sometimes), what would be kinda cool, is each of the "Cosmetic" pets had abilities, or "Boons" or "Buffs" they gave to their controller.
Now if you just hear the pokiemon' theme song start in your head, that sounds like you are on the right track with what I have in mind.
See, as opposed to just being ornamental, each Pet would provide a unique benefit to their owner, and using the above info I have on the pets, I'll make a very short list of ideas:
Winter Wolf (White Wolf): Owners Weapons count as Frost Bursted, +10 Stacking Resistance to Cold to owner. +20% Damage to all Cold Based Spells (for casters)
Spider: Owner is Immune to Poison, Owners Weapons now are
envenomed. +10% to all Acid and Poison based spells.
Black Panther: +10 Stacking Off Hand Strikes to Proc their Special Effects, +5% Stacking Melee Alacrity. (Sorry this pet is all melee)
Etc. I am sure the idea at this point is pretty clear what the theme would be. So the pets with the most sought after "Boons" would be harder to find, etc, etc, and give us all something to quest after and get a little something from.
Or such is just my humble idea on what the future could hold for these potential pets.