1.) Is prismatic ray worth getting?
2.) For a good build what spells should I have by 11th level?
1.) Is prismatic ray worth getting?
2.) For a good build what spells should I have by 11th level?
Wow I'm over-whelmed with the number's of answers.
Guess I'll figure it out.
I'd be curious about Prismatic Ray/Spray myself. If bonuses stack as per wiki description it has potential. Since the ray stacks the max bonuses, item and enhancement, you could mix and match greatest [random element] clicky and greatest [random element] lore item and have it affect whatever random ray hits. Seems like it would be especially useful-ish for a savants that get bonus in one element at the expense of another.
Just kinda guessing mind ya,
"That's right, remember there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over..." ~ Heavenly Bank Account by Frank Zappa
"Your 'Gin n' tonic Futon Brain' cyborg implants sure make you smart!" ~ Seraphita, Element of Fire
It depends on what your plan is for your sorc, are you looking for DPS, Crowd Control ? - buff bunny etc .
The different spells are chosen based on what you want to do, this is a list of the spells available at all levels and what they do :
Cloudkill is a handy one for Con damage AOE, much "handier" than prismatic ray in my opinion, but once again, it depends on what your building , fire savant / water / air etc.
If you give us some more info on what type of sorc you want to build then we could be more helpful.
If you go for the Lord of Blades raid, then yes, it is. It's the only quest in the game that "requires" this spell as far as I know.
For leveling (assume fire savant as it's the easiest to go with while leveling up),2.) For a good build what spells should I have by 11th level?
No. of Level 1 spells: 4
shield, expeditious retreat, jump, *something to your liking*.
No. of Level 2 spells: 4
resist energy, web, scorching ray, blur.
(use wands or scrolls for invisibility and wands for knock as needed)
No. of Level 3 spells: 4
haste, rage, fireball, acid blast/lightning bolt.
(will probably remove fireball and halt undead by the time you cap)
No. of Level 4 spells: 3
stoneskin, wall of fire, phantasmal killer, enervation/acid rain (if you are acid secondary).
(scroll fire shield)
No. of Level 5 spells: 2
protection from elements, ball lightning/DoT spell.
You might want to replace some spells though by the time you cap, especially because it's not likely that you remain the same savant from level 1 to 20.
Thanks for the replies everyone. Well I ended up grabbing Cloudkill instead of Prismatic ray. I needed some more AoE spells in my repitoir. I also grabbed envernation, and ray of exhaustion..not sure on these two but the sounded like good spells.
Enervation is a key spell if you're looking to lower something's saves.
Against enchantments or webs or even insta-death spells.
The real gem of this spell is not what it does in and of itself, but what it does when followed by an appropriate spell.
I always have enervation on my casters as the utility save-lowering spell.
<-Curelite Bottling Company->
Originally Posted by Chilldude
you'll have to practice kiting stuff through it for maximum effect.
it's also useful vs bosses that have true seeing as a quasi-displacement, and it can be very useful for dropping on top of spawn points if you want aggro. also amazing for defending a location (such as, say, defending coyle in threnal or the caravan in the sands) as it has a very long duration and can get aggro away from something you don't want it on (such as coyle or a wagon) and onto some place where you can deal with it better (such as yourself, hopefully; did i mention kiting is a good idea?).
it isn't a massive source of DPS, but it *is* a very efficient source of DPS, and if your save DC is good it's got a good chance of rendering things helpless due to con damage and each time they take con damage they're more likely to take it the next time
as far as ray of exhaustion, not sure i'd grab that. probably consider one of the DoTs, or maybe cyclonic blast as a damage-almost-anything spell (as long as it doesn't have a mantle, like a lich or suulomades).