Perhaps it had to happen. Perhaps the format makes it inevitable. It began with the festival events and has taken root and blossomed into the challenge system. DDO feels increasingly like an arcade game -- an advanced, graphically compelling arcade game, mind you, but an arcade game nonetheless.
Grinding quests for XP and loot, equipping new characters with hand-me-down power items and limitless bank accounts, bantering the numerical perfection of the "chosen builds", are fine and appealing for many. The challenge system, PVP, and the various events may attract these and others to gather further unique loot and unleash the undeniable power of their uberbuilds. I certainly won't begrudge anyone their preferences.
I would ask, however, that the game not continue to slide down the path toward just another elaborate arcade game with only the barest pretense of weaving interesting story lines together. As it is, this gaming format makes this perhaps the most significant challenge of all -- at least for the designers -- and I raise my sword in salute to those who would arise to see that the game re-examine its current trends and lead us through good stories as much as through mazes of cheeky kobolds.