Considering the current state of lag.... i wouldn't ever use it.
Zone into the sub
/follow [leader]
*whack* *whack* *whack* *ding*!
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Yes, i'm french and i do eat frogs alive, so don't mess with me when i'm hungry
Argonessen FTW : Leelith ~ Bagdad Cafe ~ Lipp Stick ~ Peroxy Acetone
Well the code already exists, hirelings do this all the time... but I can only imagine this being annoying... then again my dad plays and this would keep him from getting lost sometimes. He is in his 70s.
If I had to go afk, the last thing I'd want to do is follow someone further into the quest. Better that I just find a safe place in the room that's likely already cleared out and stay there a few minutes. I know there are some situations with respawns or areas you can get cut off from the party, but those are few and far between. Better to just catch up when you get back. I've seen what happens to hirelings that seem to be masters of /follow. They die... a lot.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
Yeah I quad box. A follow command would be really great. However, I totally understand why this wouldn't be implemented. Other turbine games have had follow, but they were large worlds where it could take 15 minutes+ to run to a quest. It was easy to take new people to quest locations using follow. With this "easy to get places" instanced junk the uses for a follow command is pretty limited.
So I'll /sign but won't expect much.
It would be hliarous to be running my army through a quest and the leader accidently falls off a cliff sans FF to their death... *di-di-di-ding*
I'd only sign this if I can also have a /dropfollow so I can kite pikers into lava and leave them there.
Many games like EQ, had an Auto-follow option, and I can say, I miss it.
Games that had/have commands like that also come with an understanding that it can be used for severe griefing unless you know the person you're sticking to.
As fond as I am for how hirelings move around terrain, I'm about as eager to have any players try to follow me in this manner.
And in the same manner, I would still not use it to follow my party if I have to go AFK suddenly.
Would rather catch up with them unless it's a dauntingly hard to navigate quest like Rainbow without the scepter to see by, or VoN raid.
Some good arguments against and some good comments for lols. I too think gold farmers and pikers are the great evils of MMOs. With the great evils in mind, I can understand the heavy opposition. I hadn't considered it much outside my own gameplay and the use it would have for those I play with. Still, I think it would be a good feature if there was a way to prevent the abuses you have all brought up.
I like the suggestion of having both people agree to the follow command. This would't stop gold farming but would limit piking in some cases.
As for this not being an mmo for me? This is one of the best MMOs out there. I love the personal nature of it. The guild I created is a family guild where I can hang out with brothers, nephews and my wife (who is out of the country atm). I love the active role you play with the click-to-swing interaction and active use of skills. The only other MMO that compares, in my own view, for quality of play is EVE but that is for very very different reasons than DDO. Just about all the others are the same game to me and if you've played WoW then you've also played SWTOR, LOTRO and a slew of others. They differ mostly in setting. This is opinion of course, more winded than intended and off topic.
Maybe we could turn this thread into a brainstorming session on how to implement a /follow that is difficult to abuse? Seems like a tough challenge...
Ebbon Nocht - Drow Mage
Jihmee DeLoch - Human Rogue
Murfy Slah - Human Fighter
Pentegarn Hollow - Human Mage
Final Fantasy XI has /follow...
But if someone was following you and you changed your would blink...and the following character would be in auto-run.
It was a great way to drop people off in bad spots. Could be pretty funny if used correctly.
"Hireling" and "Hjealer"
Member of THACO on Ghallanda
Hello, Weird_Beard. Hello, everyone.
I feel a bit like a voice in the wilderness here. Auto-follow and pathfinding, when accessible directly to a player, lays the groundwork for the proliferation of bots in many online games. We can certainly delve into the minutia if you want, and honestly it will stretch my knowledge if we do, but whether a bot's design is for leeching, griefing, or gold/item/material/reknown farming, such a bot must generally depend on auto-follow and/or pathfinding to function properly.
I do not like opposing someone's decent ideas so strongly, but I feel that auto-follow and pathfinding should never be available to a player-character in DDO.
PS: I have used auto-follow in games in the past. And I do miss it terribly. But I had wondered about this a long time ago, when I first started playing DDO. 'Where are all the bots,' I wondered. I mused that the root of this absence of bots in DDO might have some relationship to the lack of these other features, and have become further convinced of this over time.
PPS: For those of you who multibox, I promise I did think of you as I was replying, and I do have some sympathy for you. I have absolutely no opposition to multiboxing, and feel that it does require some keen skills to manage correctly.
Last edited by Alaunra2010; 02-11-2012 at 10:48 PM.