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  1. #1
    Community Member Baelein's Avatar
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    Default caster version of power attack

    I get a little annoyed when people tell me I should be dual weilding because I can get more spell enhancements then when I use a 2 hander. I like the idea of using a 2 handed weapon. So I would like a caster version of power attack. Instead of having it increase physical damage, like power attack, maybe make it increase spell DC or maybe reduce spell cost. If DC then using 1 handed weapons increases DC by 2 and 2 handed would increase DC by 6 and the negative could be reduced AC like always. If reduced spell cost then maybe 1 handed weapons increase the reduction by 10% and 2 handed weapon increases the reduction by 20%. I believe there should be some benifit to using 2 handed weapons other then if your lucky enough to find 1 in a purchased adventure pack, since right now with average weapons its better to use 2 weapons than 1 2 handed. This is more of a suggestion about balance with using average weapons then it is what named weapon is better.

  2. #2
    Community Member Delssar's Avatar
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    No NO NO NO

    Casters are OP'd as is, they dont need more buffs, ranged and melee do

  3. #3
    Community Member Saravis's Avatar
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    Casters do have "power attack", its called metas: maximize, empower, heighten, etc.
    /not signed

  4. #4
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    It's okay, having a tiny dagger doesn't make you less of a man
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
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  5. #5
    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    Well i suppose that casters are quite comfortable with metamagics. I suppose melees will be happy if they can also increase their dps by 100 or 50% with just one feat.

    As for 2 hand stick, the tp:// is what you are looking for.
    Also at some level Souleater or dreamspitter could be fun to some degree.

  6. #6
    Community Member Baelein's Avatar
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    I'm not interested in this staff

    And what i'm talking about doesn't just affect wizards and sorcerers but also clerics, favored souls, pallys and others that use magic too. None of them would want to use that staff. Say your a cleric that would rather use a 2 handed weapon rather then going sword and board. This isn't about making 1 or 2 classes more OP its about adding another option to anyone that uses magic.

  7. #7
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    The OP makes a good point. Wizards aren't supposed to run around with a dagger and a club, they're supposed to run around with a cumbersome, silly staff... but in DDO the first scenario makes infinitely more sense. Let's consider what we use two weapons for. My wizard's main set is:

    +2 Enchant DC and Spell Pen 7 (scepter of mad trickery)
    Superior Potency 6, Concentration 15, Arcane Lore, Lesser Maximize (cove dagger)

    It is the breadth of effects I am interested in, and there's no way a staff can compete with that. It stands to reason that depth is the only way to compete, and while the OP's specific numbers may be troubling the general theory is the way to go. I wouldn't even make it a feat, as doing so disproportionately favors wizards to a dangerous degree. Maybe something like 1.5x effect: Superior Potency would be as powerful as Superior clickies, Greater Spell Focus would be as powerful as Epic Spell Focus, etc. Surely not overpowering, but an interesting effect nonetheless. If necessary, the named staves could be rebalanced.

  8. #8
    Community Member Talias006's Avatar
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    Instead of adding another Meta to the plethora of Feats available to casters, I think a better suggestion is for them to make more robust Staff type weapons for those casters who wish to use such things.
    Sure, it will most likely be named loot, but it would still be better than one more Meta to amplify casters abilities profoundly.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Coyle still hates you.

  9. #9
    Community Member FrozenNova's Avatar
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    There is a caster version of power attack, and it doesn't even cost a feat.
    It's called, "several of the strongest caster weapons are staves".
    May or may not be wizard-specific.
    Last edited by FrozenNova; 02-03-2012 at 09:17 PM.

  10. #10
    Founder & Hero
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    Umm no

    Beware the Sleepeater

  11. #11
    Community Member Baelein's Avatar
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    Why are you guys are so stuck on staves. Not everyone wants to use a staff. I don't really care about my suggestion of increasing DC or reducing sp cost. I just threw those out there. The main purpose of this post is to try to balace someone using 2 weapons with someone using a 2 handed weapon. You can't just say use the best staff in the game, because that doesn't solve anything. The way it is right now is your options are to either grab any 2 (AND I MEAN ANY TWO) weapons or use a staff if you want 2h. That is the worst kind of balance there can be because anyone wanting to use a 2 handed weapon has no option. There reason why it has to be a feat and not a buff on a weapon is because it would have to be an option to anyone that uses sp. What if your a splash build with a fighter and an arcane? your not going to use a staff unless its for RP purposes. No for something like this it would have to be a feat. You could look at it another way.... right now almost every caster is getting all of the metamagics, so if this is any good then it will be more of a either get all the metamagics or get some and this.

  12. #12
    Community Member Quarterling's Avatar
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    You want to increase DCs and reduce SP cost? Here you go.
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    Click this sentence for a tutorial learning how, an easy-to-follow video guide.

  13. #13
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    /not signed

    your reasoning makes no sense whatsoever

  14. #14
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    I think, the op is saying that 2 weapons means u get 4 mods. So, there's little sense (Baring special weapons such as DS with its enchantment focus) to use a nice potency VIII staff. Although I don't like his suggestion (Sorry dude, not signed there) I do see where hes coming from.

    In old DnD games I played, the idea behind a single staff was because the mage could use it to focus his energies for difficult spells. Having an item in each hand (Lore wise) defeats this purpose. As little as it takes to do it, it DOES take some concentration and/or though to 'hold' onto 2 weapons, to not slash ones face while you cast, and it prevents any 'wiggling' of the fingers.

    Not sure how it would be brought back to that, and doubt it will be(game has progressed too far beyond fixing such small issues) I do understand him, and strongly think people should at least respect where hes coming from, even if not signing his petition.

  15. #15
    The Hatchery bigolbear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freeman View Post
    It's okay, having a tiny dagger doesn't make you less of a man
    I duno... sounds to me like hes asking for a double ender!

    Staff that is of course, double ended staff. What you suggested wont work well, but ddo could realy use some decent mage staves - and the best way to handle that is to treat each end of a staff as a seperate weapon for the purpose of enchanting.

    Also no objection to staves getting benefits from 2 weapon fighting.
    Ex Euro player from devourer: Charaters on orien(Officer of Under Estimated & Nightfox): Wrothgar, Cobolt, Shadeweaver, TheMetal, Metaphysical, Allfred, Razortusk and many more.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Such755's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saravis View Post
    Casters do have "power attack", its called metas: maximize, empower, heighten, etc.
    /not signed

  17. #17
    Community Member SoloPhalanx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baelein View Post
    I'm not interested in this staff

    And what i'm talking about doesn't just affect wizards and sorcerers but also clerics, favored souls, pallys and others that use magic too. None of them would want to use that staff. Say your a cleric that would rather use a 2 handed weapon rather then going sword and board. This isn't about making 1 or 2 classes more OP its about adding another option to anyone that uses magic.
    You don't want it that's with you. I have it on 90% of the time, swapping it for a petitioner when buffing and swapping to GB + Ornamented when nuking.

    If anything, Inner Sight is OP, seeing as it's the only source for +7 Int not on robes and it has +2 to ALL schools
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  18. #18
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    /not signed

    terrible logic.

    Items should be judged on their own merit, casters shouldnt get random buffs based on how many hands they have in use.

    Think before you post please.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saravis View Post
    Casters do have "power attack", its called metas: maximize, empower, heighten, etc.

  20. #20
    Founder Blackbird's Avatar
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    So, if I understand you correctly, you want a feat that gives you some nice spell bonus (you listed either reduced SP or enhanced DCs) but only when using a 2-handed weapon. You don't want to use a staff and, since there are so many nice staves in the game, presumably your uber feat would have to exclude staves (a 2 handed weapon) because otherwise it would be overpowering for those staves in the game. So, this feat would only apply to great axes, great swords, great clubs, and mauls. And the reason why you want this -- you want to swing (?) a big stick. So, you want the devs to spend time and energy to develop and balance a feat......just for you.

    Just because you want to do something (use a THW, splash fighter), doesn't mean that the game should be changed to make sure your choices are equal to other people's choices. This is just like in the real world. If I wanted to major in underwater basket weaving instead of law, should I petition Congress to pass a law to equalize pay between underwater basket weavers and lawyers just because I want to be an underwater basket weave and I don't think it's "fair" that others are making more money as a lawyer? I could, but I am unlikely to be successful, as in in this case. If you don't like the THW (excluding staff) options available to you either change what you're doing or live with it. There is no game reason to make this change to the game.

    And...btw, what you want exists in the game. It's called crafting. With alchemical crafting you can make a great sword/axe/club/etc with (for example) - superior [element] 9, superior [non-element] lore, [guard], superior [element] lore, superior [element] 9, 3 charges of superior [non-element] lore, efficient [metamgic] 2, greater [spell school] focus, and one of the following: SF mast +1, greater SP 9, greater elemental spell power, arcane augment 9.

    You can also make THW caster items in Cannith crafting (the exact choices I would have to look up).

    Of course...those above could also be made in a one handed version so someone could have something in the other hand but that's their choice and your choice.
    Last edited by Blackbird; 02-04-2012 at 09:25 AM.
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