I get a little annoyed when people tell me I should be dual weilding because I can get more spell enhancements then when I use a 2 hander. I like the idea of using a 2 handed weapon. So I would like a caster version of power attack. Instead of having it increase physical damage, like power attack, maybe make it increase spell DC or maybe reduce spell cost. If DC then using 1 handed weapons increases DC by 2 and 2 handed would increase DC by 6 and the negative could be reduced AC like always. If reduced spell cost then maybe 1 handed weapons increase the reduction by 10% and 2 handed weapon increases the reduction by 20%. I believe there should be some benifit to using 2 handed weapons other then if your lucky enough to find 1 in a purchased adventure pack, since right now with average weapons its better to use 2 weapons than 1 2 handed. This is more of a suggestion about balance with using average weapons then it is what named weapon is better.