Does the Eschew Materials feat work properly on the dust?
Does the Eschew Materials feat work properly on the dust?
If you have a character on Lamannia and want to test it out, let me know their name and I'll log in and mail you some of the omni components.Originally Posted by SmokeyBandit
That would be why I ignored those commentsOriginally Posted by Missing_Minds
Looks like it yes. We KNOW that they would sell component bags if they offered them in the store so this must mean that for the foreseeable future we're not getting component bags.Originally Posted by GeneralDiomedes
I bought some of the components off the AH , tested them and everything seemed to work fine , wasn't able to test the stoneskin spell as I didn't have that component , just curious how we will be able to get them in game ....
ddo store = most likey
Favor = I hope so / discounted cost ???
Vendor = I hope so again / but at a steeper cost ???
If they are ddo store (and ddo store rarity drops) only I will be severely disappointed, and they might as well not exist for me. I would never spend TP for them.*
(excepting, that I have spent TP for spell components when I ran out in the middle of a quest, but I did feel ripped off at the prices. Same goes for thieves tools.)
Has it been tried for paladin holy sword?
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
Interesting question.
I do not currently have a paladin on Lamannia but as I stated previously, I'm willing to share to see if it works.
if its store only i cant see any sensible reason to buy the stones trap the soul components can be stored in your bag till needed as am arcane you buy stuff for stoneskin or dust each is 1 slot or on a divine its that large diamond spell. seems a waste of time for whats gonna be a 1:1 slot trade 95% of the time
It would be at least nice if we could as well get those from the Guild Vendor as an other option then just from the Store. I mean its not that difficult to get a small guild to the level to unlock the guild vendor anyway. Alternatively a House P/J favour unlock (150) could be fine as well and would give an alternative to the otherwise more or less unused House Jorasco Favour.
If it is store only I can't see any reason why I should bother buying that - in case I accidently run out - instead of the cheaper specific components...