I'm so excited. I _think_ I'm the first to report on this. Actually this is going to be a report in progress. I will come back in a while and update this post with my findings on how it all worked out in quest. I'm going to try my best to test these components out in every way I can to see if there are any bugs. Since they are unbound I will test on both a Sorcerer and a Favored Soul.
But for now! Here it is.
Descriptions for both items look good. And they stack to 10,000! Yes I actually had 10,000 of them but cast jump so it used one up lol.
So far so good. Next step is destroying all my regular components and testing a few spells in the harbor.
As expected, the jump spell used the Omnispell dust and stoneskin used an Omnispell stone.
Now lets get some level 1 components and see what happens. First I placed the level 1 components before the dust and cast jump, and the spell consumed the level 1 component. Next I placed the level 1 component after the dust and cast jump and the spell consumed the dust. So far this is working as expected.
Here's a screenshot of the jump spell description. You can see that the description now says it can use both components.
No flaws found so far in testing the new components. I'm quite impressed with them other than I think the weight could come down (suggestions below).
If you have anything you want me to specifically test, just reply here and I'll check it out.
Q) Where can I get these?
You can't yet, they were given to me by a dev. They are not currently in game for purchase.
Q) Do you know where they will be purchasable from?
No, I just know at one point last week that I was told they would be available in the store and found in chests like other store items.
Q) Have you tested stoneskin, death pact and trap the soul?
I test stoneskin and death pact myself and they both used the Omnispell Stone. TheDearLeader tested out Trap The Soul and it does indeed replace the need for khyber dragonshards. Trap the Soul was tested on an 11-20HD mob and on a 21-30HD mob
My suggestions for the Omnispell Components
1) Omnispell components should have no weight at all
2) They should be store and vendor purchasable
3) They should be vendor purchasable at a low cost with 250 12 favor and be BTC
3) They should act like a plat sink if bought from regular vendors
Thanks to all the Dev's I've annoyed on Lamannia and the forums for the last week about this.
Special thanks to +kookiekobold for letting me test this out