I've recently capped my Air/Cold sorc, Sarlinda, on Khyber, and have had fun running Shroud, Hound and VoD, on normal and hard. However, my current HP is 312 un-buffed which I was told by a raid leader for Hound (on hard) was a little low and he suggested 350-400 as soon as I could.

So given my current gear what suggestions are there? Neck (reserved for Torc eventually), Wrists and Eyes are out given my gear I imagine. I could get Minos and also hunt a +6con, +30 HP belt from Amrath but that is only 10 more HP as I would lose my current Pirate hats from the Crystal Cove event with Superior False Life Greater False Life and +15 balance. I have access to all packs, but would prefer to grind as little as possible to hit the 350ish HP mark.