Is there anyway to remove one or two of the Repair Spells from the allocated slots to free them up? I have tried but receive an error message "Spontaneous Cast Spells" can not be removed. Thanks.
Is there anyway to remove one or two of the Repair Spells from the allocated slots to free them up? I have tried but receive an error message "Spontaneous Cast Spells" can not be removed. Thanks.
Maxen Thor
Those spells are actually bonus spell slots and don't count against your interchangable slots.
TR'd: Oloam | Wudiso | Nurinil | Dolurth | Quoer | Alyinsa
Others: Olotho | Olefir | Dolrrh | Baroril
Proud Member of Elite Raiders
Put another way, those spells aren't actually in slots; your ability to cast them is a special class feature.
Basic casting in PnP
For anyone unfamiliar, in PnP, certain caster classes (including artificers, clerics and wizards) don't just choose which spells they can cast, but also how many times they can cast each spell. So at the start of a day, a cleric picks his spells, and he might choose to memorize one use of Nightshield and two uses of Command. If (for some strange reason) he winds up needing to cast Nightshield twice that day, he's out of luck! And if he never needs to cast Command (maybe he's fighting nothing but undead?) those two slots just don't do anything that day.
Spontaneous casting
In Third Edition, it was decided that good-aligned clerics are so darned good at healing, that they just *know* how to cast healing spells, without memorizing them. You don't need to memorize Cure Light Wounds; when you want to cast it, you just "use up" ANY first level spell you have memorized. Likewise, Cure Moderate uses ANY second level spell, Cure Serious uses any third level spell, etc. That's handy for clerics at the end of the day, as it means unused spells can be turned into healing.
Artificers can spontaneously cast repair spells. Similar mechanic to clerics, but it's for Repair Damage spells instead of Cure Wounds spells.
In DDO terms, "spell slots" are already interchangeable: You memorize Command once, and you can cast it as many times as you have spell points for. This partially defeats the point of Spontaneous Casting; however, there's still the fact that Clerics don't actually have to memorize Cure Wounds spells to cast them. The solution? Spontaneous Casting classes get "bonus slots" that contain ONLY those spells that the class is allowed to cast spontaneously.
Clerics get bonus slots that are ALWAYS Cure Wounds spells.
Artificers get bonus slots that are ALWAYS Repair Damage spells.
If Druids are ever added to the game, they'll get bonus slots that are ALWAYS Summon Nature's Ally spells.
If we could play evil-aligned clerics, they would get bonus slots that were ALWAYS Inflict Wounds spells.